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  • Our Lady Queen of Peace
  • Catholic Primary School
  • ‘Through Christ we Live, Love and Learn’

OLQP Physical Education Policy

Our Lady Queen of Peace P.E. Policy 2023-2024

Mission Statement

 At Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Primary School, we will follow in the footsteps of Christ to provide opportunities for the whole school community to fulfil their full their potential.


Through Christ we Live, Love and Learn






At Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Primary School, our physical education is an integral part of our curriculum, and we strive to create a ‘whole school’ culture which aims to inspire an active generation to enjoy PE, encourage school unity and celebrate achievements. We provide a safe and supportive environment for children to flourish in a range of different physical activities which is essential in supporting their physical, emotional, and social development. We aspire for children to adopt a positive mindset towards personal health and wellbeing and believe that anything can be achieved with determination and resilience. At Our Lady Queen of Peace, we offer a dynamic and varied program of activity to ensure that all children progress physically through a unique and fully inclusive PE curriculum. Our curriculum aims to improve the well-being and fitness of all children, not only through the sporting skills taught, but through the underpinning values and disciplines PE promotes. We aim to deliver high quality teaching and learning opportunities that enable all children to achieve their personal best. Children are encouraged to participate in competitive sport and celebrate achievements no matter how big or small. We aim for all children to be physically active for sustained periods of time and to be able to make informed decisions to lead healthy and active lives thus, embedding life-long values. Swimming is an important life skill, and we aspire for all children to leave primary school being able to swim at least 25meters.




  • PE at Our Lady Queen of Peace provides challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including invasion games, net & wall games, striking and fielding games, gymnastics, dance, health and fitness, outdoor adventure, and swimming.

  • Year 3/4 class has swimming once a week during Spring Term 1 & 2. Year 4/5 have swimming sessions once per week for Summer Term 1&. There will be booster sessions from children in years- 5-6 who have not yet met the curriculum requirements.

  • Pupils participate in at least 2 hours of high-quality PE lessons each week, covering two different sports/ skills focuses each half term.

  • All staff are trained and have access to ‘Complete P.E.’ Scheme of Work. Teachers are confident in using SoW platform to inform ways to differentiation and inclusion. Half termly assessments for each class are uploaded via SoW platform throughout the academic year for each P.E. subject.

  • Children are encouraged to participate in the varied range of extra-curricular activities.

  • We provide inclusive and enjoyable clubs which increases children’s physical activity: Clubs are offered to both KS1 and KS2 children.

  • Physical activity is embedded throughout the school day through initiatives such as:

  • Couch to Mile a Day, Active breakfast club and Garmin steps challenges.

  • UKS2 are encouraged to lead ‘Daily Mile’ initiative and keep track of daily activities using stop watches and record sheets.

  • Children are encouraged to stay active at break times. Each class has been provided with a variety of equipment to use every day.

  • Years 1-6 are provided with 30 minutes sports activities which are delivered by specialist coaches every day during lunch time.

  • Lunchtime supervisors are trained by CSC Specialist coaching to also deliver and support sports activities.

  • Children are given the opportunity to attend competitive sporting events and festivals within the local area and beyond. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being.

  • We are now a member of the ‘School Games’ awards which tracks, celebrates and rewards pupil’s physical activities. Our aim is to continue to achieve ‘Gold award’ by the end of 2024 academic year. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by children.

  • All pupils are encouraged to wear the correct, appropriate P.E. kit which helps to create school identity, unity and raise the profile of physical education within school.

  • The Physical Education curriculum encourages a whole school approach to progression. We encourage activities that provide cross-curricular learning as well as promoting physical well-being.




At Our Lady Queen of Peace, we ensure that our PE curriculum is progressive and follows a whole school approach which allows children to develop fundamental, cognitive, and motor skills which are then applied to sports and activities. All children are provided with the necessary skills and given opportunities to demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best. Our pupils are physically active, which has a positive impact on their learning in the classroom. Children understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of regular exercise. We aspire for children to enjoy PE and develop a love of sport and physical activity which becomes part of their future life outside of primary school. Children can represent the school at sporting events from local to county level. Alongside this, we share sporting achievements both in and out of school in Celebration Assembly, so that we are promoting sports and activities, as well as celebrating all levels of success. We aim for all Year 6 pupils to leave school with the skills to competently swim at least 25m and have the skills to self-rescue in the water which are key life skills.



Roles and Responsibilities


Miss M Owusu the P.E. coordinator is responsible for:


  • Preparing policy documents, curriculum plans and schemes of work for the subject.

  • Reviewing changes to the National Curriculum, making other staff members aware of any changes, and advising on their implementation.

  •  Monitoring the learning and teaching of Physical Education, providing support for staff where necessary.

  • Leading staff meetings, organising, providing, and monitoring CPD opportunities in the subject which aims to help develop colleagues’ expertise in the subject.

  • Promoting a Whole School approach towards progression for each year group.

  • Encouraging staff to provide effective learning opportunities for pupils and differentiate appropriately.

  • Organising the deployment and accessibility of resources and carrying out half termly audits of all PE equipment.

  • Liaising with teachers from all years and key stages as well as, outside agencies.

  • Communicating developments in the subject to all teaching staff.

  • Monitoring levels of achievement in each subject and Observing lessons. 

  • Collating assessment information from class teachers and outside agencies termly which will then be reported to the Headteacher.

  •  Using data to inform curriculum mapping, CPD opportunities and setting new priorities for the development of PE in subsequent years.

  • Advising on the contribution of physical education to other curriculum areas, including cross-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

  • Formally reporting to governors on the curriculum, updates, and standards within Physical education.

  • Celebrating and promoting Physical education, school competitions and the involvement of pupils in physical activities.



The role of the class teacher is responsible for:


  • To plan and deliver high quality physical education lessons.

  • Effectively use the SoW to help inform planning, differentiation and learning objectives.

  • To take accountability for any equipment used: ensuring equipment is returned to the correct place and that any items that are damaged or missing are reported to subject leader.

  • To assess pupil’s attainment against the objectives for each subject.

  • To use ‘Complete P.E.’ SoW online platform to input attainment data half termly.


The role of specialist coaches:


  • To support and supplement the curriculum within the ethos and standards promoted by the school.

  • Sports coaches are to plan and organise activities in line with the National Curriculum and specified unit agreed with P.E Lead.

  • Ensure that lessons are delivered to a high standard and support class teachers in delivering activities.

  • Support playground leaders in ensuring that they are confident in delivering afternoon sports activities. 

  • Providing class teacher and subject leader with assessment data for end of unit attainment of each pupil.


The roles of playground leaders:


  • To observe and support specialist coaches in delivering sport activities during lunch breaks.

  • To monitor pupil engagement during lunch time activities and report any changes to PE lead when necessary.

  • To ensure that play time equipment is maintained and brought back to classrooms

  • Report and damages to equipment to class teacher which should then be reported to PE Lead.


Curriculum entitlement and Organisation


Our Lady Queen of Peace offers a broad and balanced physical education curriculum that is designed to continually increase every child’s confidence in managing themselves mentally and physically within a variety of activities:

  • All children are entitled to receive 2 hours of physical education per week. 

  • Teachers are to follow curriculum map and Complete PE SoW.

  • All Staff to wear suitable clothing and footwear when teaching PE.

  • All children are to wear a PE kit with appropriate shoes.


Good lessons should contain the following elements:

Purpose:  Lessons should have clear objectives and defined learning outcomes which should be explained to the pupils at the beginning of the lesson.

 • Progression:  Pupil’s capabilities should be developed with increasing demand made on a physical and mental processes. Building on previous learning is essential and so too is working to achieve successful outcomes through repetition, application and refinement of skills.

Pace:  High levels of activity, avoiding dead spots (pupils sat down doing nothing) with clear expectations for high work rates to be maintained are important. The physiological benefits of exercise should be explained and understood and their association with health emphasised.

 • Coherence:  All teachers should reinforce previous understanding and establish links between curricular experiences.

 • Challenge:  High expectations will be set for individual and group achievements. Pupils extended both physically and intellectually through interesting tasks.

 • Differentiation:  Will be achieved through using tasks and equipment that enable pupils to be challenged appropriately and which ensures good progress for all ability groups.



Cross Curricular Links:


PE staff teach in other departments within the school and bring their expertise to the teaching of Physical Education and vice versa. Although the links are not always overtly displayed, staff will draw attention to them whenever the opportunity arises.







Speaking and listening.

Subject-specific     vocabulary.




Measuring: Speed.




Handling Data.

Health & Fitness



Using a compass 




Use of stop watches. 

Use of the internet.

Use of digital camera and digital video.

Use of spreadsheets for recording and interpreting data.



Health and safety

  • Our aim in PE is to keep all children safe during the lesson.

  • ‘Safe Practice in Physical education’ is located in the PE cupboard/office.

  • Staff should be aware of the Fire and Emergency procedures and should leave the building safely and calmly onto the playground at the sound of the school alarm.

  • Accidents: In the event of an accident the member of staff should remain with injured pupil. Another pupil should be sent to the office for help. All incidents should be reported and logged using an accident form.

  • Accidents and Injuries: children should receive an accident form and contact parents when necessary. All head injures need first aid and an accident form to be given to parents.

  • Faulty equipment should be reported as soon as possible by staff delivering and assisting lessons.

  • Pupils must be always under direct supervision.




  • All equipment is to be checked yearly and replaced where necessary or clearly marked unsafe.

  • Equipment should always be returned and stored in correct place

  • Benches are to be no more than two high.

  • All equipment is to be checked by staff before children use it each lesson.

  • Pupils are taught to carry apparatus in a safe way throughout the school. 



  • All key stage 2 children will have the opportunity to learn how to swim while at Our Lady Queen of Peace

  • Children are not allowed to wear earrings while swimming.

  • All children must wear a swimming cap to enable them to see while in the water.

  • Children must be always accompanied and escorted to and from the swimming pool

  • Teacher must sign school in at the front desk indicating how many children and staff have attended the session.




  • Assessment will be completed at the end of each unit and will be marked against the current attainment threshold.

  • All teachers are responsible for completing end of term Physical Education assessments online via complete P.E resource.

  • Assessment in Physical Education should be done through observation and question and answer sessions.



  • Recording and reporting is in accordance with the school’s policy which meets statutory requirements. 

  • All children should be taught to evaluate and improve their own work and that of others.




Monitoring and Evaluating

Lessons may be observed throughout the year and assessments are regularly updated.

The PE policies, practices and documentation related to physical education are reviewed annually and inform the Subject’s Action Plan which is linked to the School’s Improvement Plan.




We have a variety of areas in which children have PE. One indoor hall, two playgrounds and a school field. All children have access to the facilities required to develop a quality, balanced curriculum.

Key stage 1 playground has a school climbing frame, football goals and markings to enhance learning.

Key stage 2 playground has a marked netball/basketball court and Football goals and a field.

The PE displays are used to enhance learning throughout the key stages and also to inspire and celebrate children’s achievements, experiences and success.

The indoor hall is cleaned daily and are suitable for work in bare feet. The playground area is swept regularly and is kept safe and free from hazards.



Every child matters throughout the PE curriculum and every child should have the opportunity to experience success, enjoyment and satisfaction at their own level.

Through PE teaching we provide learning opportunities that enable all pupils to make good progress.  We strive hard to meet the needs of those pupils with special educational needs.


We aim to offer excellence and choice to all our children, whatever their ability or needs. We have high expectations of all our children. We aim to achieve this through the removal of barriers to learning and participation. We want all our children to feel that they are a valued part of our school community. Through appropriate curricular provision, we respect the fact that children:

  • Have different educational and behavioural needs and aspirations.

  • Require different strategies for learning.

  • Acquire, assimilate and communicate information at different rates.

  • Need a range of different teaching approaches and experiences.




Extra-Curricular Activities

  • Our Lady Queen of Peace offers an extensive range of enrichment activities at lunchtime with specialist coaches and after school

  • Our Lady Queen of Peace offers a variety of extra-curricular throughout the year to increase participation and enjoyment

  • Children at Our Lady Queen of Peace compete in a variety of South Sefton School Games Partnership Competitions.

  • After school clubs offer the opportunity to build on curriculum learning.

  • PE Coordinator links with community coaches and clubs to deliver extra-curricular activities.

  • We encourage a competitive element to team games at Our Lady Queen of Peace and play regular fixtures throughout the year against other local schools. This is to enhance the achievement of children throughout the school and to offer greater opportunities to the gifted and talented children.

  • We have high expectations of fair play and team spirit in all activities.

  • All out of hour clubs require permission from a parent guardian. Details of the current club activities are sent to parents at the beginning of each term.

  • Children leaving school to compete in a competition must be notified to the class teacher.




Sports Coaches

  • Coaches are used to support and supplement the curriculum within the ethos and standards promoted by the school.  Teachers should follow the Sefton Guidance on use of Sports Coaches.

  • Permission from parent app or signing up through the school office are to be received before a child attends a club.

  • Sports Coaches are to report to office and sign in at the beginning of their session and wear a visitor’s badge.

  • Sports Coaches are to present their certificates and CRB clearance at the office on their first session to be photocopied.

  • All visiting coaches must adhere to the school’s safeguarding health and safety and fire regulations.  These are made clear during the induction of a new coach (induction is carried out by PE teacher).

  • Children must be supervised while getting charged to go home and all children must be supervised off site.

  • Any injures, accidents or behavioural issues must be reported to a member of staff.


This Policy will be reviewed every year.





Through Christ, we live, love and learn
