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We are an 'Outstanding' School -CSI Report, in April 2024
  • Our Lady Queen of Peace
  • Catholic Primary School
  • ‘Through Christ we Live, Love and Learn’

Year 4/5

Welcome to Year 4/5


Class Teacher: Miss Travers

Teaching Assistant: Miss Jones


We are really excited to start the New Year as we know that the year ahead holds lots of fun, laughter and learning! Below is some important information about life in Year 4/5.




Year 4/5 will receive their homework on a Friday and needs to be completed by Wednesday. Each week the children will have a maths, grammar and a spellings activity. Reading books will be given out every Monday and are to be returned by Friday with reading record cards. We ask that parents/guardians complete the reading cards provided ensuring that they are signed and dated. This will help us to track pupils reading outside of school and better support them.  


Secret Student 

Each day a secret student is chosen and has to model excellent behaviour, at the end of the day we ask each pupil in our class to say who they think it is.



We have introduced a new behaviour system called 'steps-to-success'. Children who show excellent behaviour can reach 'Sky is the limit', and children who maintain good behaviour end up in the 'Green for Growth' zone. A certificate will be sent out on a Friday to commend your child.


Dojo winner of the week

Dojo points are given to the children throughout the week if they have displayed excellent effort and behaviour. At the end of the week, the pupil who has received the most dojos that week will receive a special prize from our dojo box!



Below is an outline of what we will be learning about each term:


Autumn Term 🍂
During the Autumn Term, Year 4/5 will be studying the book 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe'  and explore the exciting world of Narnia. The novel is filled with fantasy and provides plenty of opportunities for creative writing.

In History, we will be going back in time to the Anglo - Saxon era and will learn about what life was like during this time.

Linking to our History topic, the children will be working collaboratively to build an Anglo - Saxon settlement using a variety of materials. We will be looking at the features of an Anglo - Saxon village and will use this to build our very own!

Our focus in Geography is ‘mountains’ and  the children will be learning about their different types and features. We will also look more closely at different mountains  around the world.

In Science, the children will be discovering the world of space and will look at why we have days, years and seasons! We will also explore the topic of ‘materials’ and will be investigating their various properties.


Spring Term 
During the Spring Term, Year 4/5 will be studying the book 'Malamander'  and explore the mysterious world of 'Eerie on Sea'. The novel is filled with mystery and is full of great opportunities for different genres of writing.

In History, we will be exploring the Viking era and will learn about what life was like during this time. We will also be comparing Viking life to how the Anglo - Saxons lived.

Our focus in Geography is ‘North America’ and the children will be learning about the different countries within the continent. We will also look more closely at the tourist attractions within North America and the different US states!

In Science, the children will be focussing on the 'digestive system' and what happens to our food within our bodies! We will also be exploring food chains and food webs and what would happen if a food chain was broken!

In Music, our class will be exploring body percussion and create pieces based on the sounds of the rainforest. We will be exploring different musical vocabulary such as 'pitch', 'tempo', 'dynamics', 'texture' and 'structure'.

Year 4/5 will be looking closely at the formal elements of Art and explore tracing, printing and charcoal mark making.

Our Wellbeing Warriors🌈

End Of Year Ice Cream Treat

Nature Friendly Schools - 11th-12th October 2021 🍃

Year 4/5 have had a fantastic time outside with Nature Friendly schools. They explored their outdoor environment searching for right angles, obtuse angles and acute angles and created some of their own using natural resources! They also spent time in the outdoor classroom learning about historic settlements.

Nature friendly schools - Science: Leaf Hunt

As part of a science lesson on plants, year 4/5 went out exploring the different features of leaves. They looked at whether the leaves were simple or compound, their arrangement and their edges. We had great fun sketching and annotating our leaves afterwards.

Black History Month

For black history month, year 4/5 have been focussing on Rosa Parks. We researched her life and learnt all about why she is such an influential figure. We made a conscience alley, hot seated 

with Rosa Parks and made banners and posters about the bus boycott and segregation during this time. We then celebrated all of our work to do with Rosa Parks in a whole school assembly.


Weekly Maths Investigations

Every Friday, Year 4/5 work collaboratively in small groups to solve a maths problem/investigation. At the end of the lesson, we discuss our findings as a class.

Addition  Challenge

Year 4/5 enjoyed taking part in their ‘dicey operations’ task which involved working together to solve addition calculations. We then held a whole class championship final! 

Active Maths!

Today we used our measuring skills to record our long jump distances!

Design and Technology: Anglo-Saxon Settlements 

Visit from Levi Tefari 

Our school were very lucky to have Levi Tefari visit to share his inspirational work and poetry. All children were gripped by his charisma and were eager to take part in his poetry workshops. Year 4/5 created their own poems, inspired by Levi, and thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon.


Poetry workshop

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World Book Day


In music, Year 4/5 have been studying body percussion. We have been learning new vocabulary such as ‘tempo’, ‘dynamics’ and ‘rhythm’. 



Body Percussion

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Body Percussion

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Using Atlases

Times Table Rockstars Day!


We had a great time celebrating World Maths Day 2022 and the relaunch of TT rockstars by coming in dressed as rockstars ourselves! We enjoyed playing lots of times tables games and taking part in class battles!

Trip to Chester Zoo!

We had a fantastic time at Chester Zoo, looking at all of the animals and learning the names of some we hadn’t heard of before!


Our new topic in Computing is photo editing so today we went outside and took some beautiful pictures of nature. We then used applications such as ‘lunapic’ to edit them. We created some fascinating images using the effects, filters and tools! We then decided what our image would be suitable for e.g. a horror story or a children’s book. 

First Holy Communion!

We are so proud of some of our year 4 pupils who made their first holy communion this week! They all looked lovely and read their readings beautifully. Well done!

The Queen's Jubilee!


To celebrate the Queen's Jubilee, we came dressed in red, white and blue! We were delighted to get some time with Teddy, who was also dressed for the occasion! 


National Fieldwork Week!

As part of National Geography Fieldwork week, Y4/5 enjoyed investigating how wildlife use space over time. We monitored how many minibeasts were in specific places on our school grounds at different times of the school day. We even found some mini beasts which we had never seen before!

Year 5 (2020/2021)

Autumn Term 1 2020
During Autumn Term 1, Year 5 will be studying the book 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' which will involve lots of descriptive writing and writing our own chapter. We will be studying The British Empire and using our mapping skills to locate these. The children will investigate sound in Science and how we are able to hear it through different materials. Our PE lessons are on Wednesday and Thursday and children are asked to come to school in their PE kits.


Autumn Term 2 2020
During Autumn Term 2, Year 5 will be studying the book ‘Hugo Cabret’, which will give children the opportunity to explore the early years of film and writing from a different character view point. For Geography the children will look at local maps, identifying new features and what have disappeared. In Science children will investigate animals and their environments. Year 5 will be swimming on Wednesday and doing outdoor Games on Thursday.


Spring Term 1 2021

During Spring Term 1, Year 5 will be studying the book ‘Time Spinner’ and a number of science fiction stories. We will be investigating States of Matter in science and The Vikings in our history topic. Our PE lessons are now on Monday and Thursday, and children are asked to come to school in their full PE kits.


Summer Term 1 2021

 During Summer term 1 Year 5 will be studying the novel Who Let The Gods Out by Maz Evans. In History we will be studying Ancient Greece, which links to our novel and art where we will be creating our own Greek vases. Science will involve forces in motion, and making a rocket to send to the moon?  During Geography we will be learning all we can about the physical and environmental features of Eastern Europe. We will be swimming on Wednesday this half term and our outdoor games will be netball, which has now changed to Fridays.


Summer Term 2  2021


This term we will be starting our new novel 'Shadow of the Centaurs' written by Saviour Pirotta. We will be continuing with our Geography topic 'Eastern Europe' and our History topic is still the Ancient Greeks. In Science will be looking at Earth and Space, Art will involve drawing and painting Mythological creatures and settings. We will have PE on Wednesday (gymnastics) and on Friday (athletics).   

Year 5 concluded their science topic (forces) by trying to send our rockets to the moon.


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Year 5 having been working hard producing some fantastic Greek pottery and designing their own Greek plates.

World Earth Day


This week year 5 had a wonderful 'World Earth Day'. We had a discussion about how we can help our planet, chose five ways to help our earth, designed T- shirts showing our messages, and finally made our 'Earth Day Commitments'.    

Wellbeing Warriors 🌈 Well done to our new Wellbeing Warriors, we know you will do a great job!

Year 5 had a wonderful Elf Day in support of the Alzheimer's Society.

Through Christ, we live, love and learn
