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  • Our Lady Queen of Peace
  • Catholic Primary School
  • ‘Through Christ we Live, Love and Learn’


Summer Wellbeing Newsletter


Year 6 children enjoyed a presentation informing them about Kooth.  Kooth is an online mental well-being community that the children can access for free.  It is safe and anonymous.  For more information about the Kooth App, please see below

Mental Health Awareness Week 2022

Mental Health Awareness Week will run from Monday 9 May until Sunday 15 May 2022. The week will explore the experience of loneliness, its effect on our mental health and how we can all play a part in reducing loneliness in our communities.

Loneliness affects millions of people in the UK every year and is a key driver of poor mental health. The Foundation’s Mental Health in the Pandemic research has found that loneliness has been exacerbated by the Covid pandemic. The Foundation has been tracking loneliness levels in the UK during the pandemic and found the experience has been much higher with devastating impact. Loneliness has been an important factor contributing to higher levels of distress, resulting from people’s sense of isolation and reduced ability to connect with others. Further polling also found that loneliness was one of the leading issues that the public felt needed to be addressed.

The week will raise awareness of the impact of loneliness on our mental wellbeing and the practical steps we can take to address it. Reducing loneliness is a major step towards a mentally healthy society.

Please visit this website to find out more information on this year's Mental Health Awareness Week as well as previous year's themes such as the importance of 'Nature', 'Kindness' and 'Body Image'.

Wellbeing Newsletter April 2022

30/03/22 Wellbeing Wednesday 

Nursery and Reception had a lovely time for our well-being day, taking part in activities which they’d chosen and helped to plan. We had a tattoo station, nail salon, biscuit decorating, face paints and jewellery craft. 🌈

20th March Happy International Day of Happiness! Here are three ways that you can celebrate:

Do something for your own happiness - make time to do something you really enjoy, get moving outside, learn something new or write down three things you’re grateful for.

Do something for someone else - donate to a food bank or charity, text or call someone to tell them what you appreciate about them. 

Share the International Day Of Happiness with others and help more people get involved in the day and thinking about ways to promote happiness and mental health.

When we see someone else smile, we can't help but smile back! Let’s put that theory to the test today! 

I’d love to see how you’ve spent international happiness day so please send any photographs to:

Head over to our school website for other ideas and activities to promote happiness.

 Wellbeing Warriors

Wellbeing Warriors from each year group have been awarded their rainbow lanyard and stationary pack as they start their journey supporting the wellbeing of their peers. Their rainbow lanyards make them easy to identify during play time sessions as they offer a friendly face, helping hand and a listening ear to their peers.  
Their first task was to a design a poster to present to their class showing ‘5 ways to Well-being’- Be ACTIVE, LEARN something new, HELP others, CONNECT with others, take NOTICE. These posters will be referred to daily as a good reminder of the things they need to do to help their wellbeing. Each class throughout the school will have an interactive display with rainbow templates so each child can keep track of whether they have achieved ‘5 a day’ for well-being. 
Congratulations to all our Warriors as we embark on a wonderful journey together, as a school, to promote healthy lifestyle, body and most importantly mind.

Nursery and Reception

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Mental Health Awareness Week 10th - 16th May

Nursery & Reception 

‘There is something to be wondered at in all of Nature’ - Aristotle


Nature is so central to our psychological and emotional health, that it’s almost impossible to realise good mental health for all, without a greater connection to the natural world. It is not just being in nature but how we open ourselves up and interact with nature that counts. This week we have embraced this theme by spending time outdoors as often as possible, finding ways to improve our mental, physical and spiritual well-being.  We went on a mindfulness walk using our senses to discover beauty in nature, went bug hunting and created transient art  ‘Snail’ pictures using natural objects. Some children have also been connecting with nature outside of school- feeding the ducks whilst collecting flowers for their ‘Beehive’ project.

Through Christ, we live, love and learn
