Below is an outline of what the children will be learning each term.
Homework 📚
In year 6, homework will be set on a Tuesday and needs to be completed and turned in by Friday. Each week the children will receive: maths, grammar and spellings.
Reading books will be sent home with reading logs which are to be returned daily.
⭐Behaviour - Steps to Success⭐
We are continuing with our behaviour system in class where children aim to reach the 'Sky is the limit' zone to show outstanding behaviour or maintain their good behaviour in the 'Green for Growth' zone. Look out for a certificate on a Friday to commend your child if they managed to end the week in green or blue zone.
Secret Student 🕵️♂️🕵️♀️
Secret student takes place daily. One child in the class is the secret student and it is their job to model excellent behaviour as well as report back any outstanding behaviour they have seen from their peers in class.
⭐Lunchtime Raffle⭐
In year 6 we will do a weekly lunchtime raffle. For positive behaviours at lunch time the children will receive a raffle ticket daily which can be entered into the weekly draw. The more tickets they get through the week the more likely they are to be our Lunchtime raffle winner on Friday.
📸Request a Selfie📸
In Year 6 the children have the opportunity to request a Selfie of any work they are proud of throughout the week. This will be sent home to parents via email so they can see all the wonderful work year 6 have been producing.
Autumn Term 🍂
During Autumn Term, Year 6 will be studying the book 'Gaslight' a thrilling story set in Victorian Cardiff with plenty of opportunity for creative writing. We will be exploring our local area in Geography thinking about the city of Liverpool and its iconic landmarks as well as looking at rural areas. Our history focus will be Tudors and Victorians. We will learn about their monarchs, lifestyle and jobs. In Science the children are completing the unit 'Everything Changes' where they will explore how living things change over time and environmental factors which can influence such changes.
Spring Term
Our novel this term will be "Letters from the Lighthouse' a wonderful story written by Emma Carroll which will run alongside our History topic of WWII this term. In Design and Technology the children will look at creating an Anderson Shelter and in Art we will study the work of L.S Lowry with a particular focus on his painting 'VE Day.'
Geography will be the study of Climate Zones where children will gain an understanding of the lines of latitude/longitude and the different zones of the world. In our Science module 'Body Pump' children learn about the human circulatory system and how it enables their bodies to function. PE this term will remain on Wednesdays when children will partake in gymnastic lessons delivered by LEAP and Fridays when the children will participate in outdoor adventure activities and have the opportunity to use our new orienteering course.
Our Wellbeing Warriors 🌈
A big well done to our stars this week. Both Year 6 pupils have made a wonderful start to year 6 working hard, producing fantastic work and showing enthusiasm in all lessons.
A big well done to our stars this week. Both Year 6 pupils have had a wonderful week applying themselves to all lessons and producing some fantastic work. One of our stars has recently joined the lunch time book club and is playing an active role in recording everyone's opinions on each story.
A big well done to our stars this week. Both stars have been contributing to class discussion and working well during team activities. Their outstanding behaviour has been noticed by many members of staff this week and both children have been working extra hard with their reading. Well done!
A big well done to our stars this week. A great week; working hard, being helpful around the classroom and displaying a sensible attitude around school.
A fantastic week for our stars who both received certificates for all their efforts with their reading at home.
A big well done!
A great week in year 6! One of our stars received their certificate for giving 100% effort to all their school work and gaining confidence in their Math lessons. Our other star was chosen for working extra hard in swimming and making excellent progress.
Our year 6 stars were chosen this week for showing respect to their fellow pupils. They have been kind and considerate of others, shown a mature attitude during play time, modelled excellent behaviour and have both been a great friend to others. Well done!
It is great to see that 2 of our previous stars are again featuring on our star of the week wall, it just goes to show their consistent hard work, enthusiasm and positive attitude to learning is recognised by all staff.
A big well done to our stars this week. Both our stars have modelled excellent behaviour all week. They have applied themselves to all their lessons and have produced some great work to be proud of.
Our final stars before Christmas go to two fantastic pupils, who have had a great week in school. They have worked extra hard with their long division and made great progress. Both stars are always keen to help around the classroom and offer support when working in a group. Well done!
Our Last Day Together 15.07.22
End Of Year Ice Cream Treat
As part of our Geography this term, Year 6 are exploring their local region. We took a trip around our local area to look for features of an urban location. We then explored Rimrose Valley Country Park to see how rural areas would differ from urban areas. We foraged some different leaves and plants whilst there and took them back to our outdoor classroom to analyse them with our identification charts.
Nature Friendly Schools 11th - 12th October 2021
Year 6 have had a wonderful morning with Nature Friendly schools, they spent time in the outdoor classroom experimenting with sinking and floating during a science lesson. It was a fantastic opportunity for some outdoor learning and teamwork skills.
Today we took our Science lesson outdoors. We investigated the different things trees needed to grow and how we can determine how healthy a leaf is. We took leaves from the ground and off different parts of the tree (back, top, bottom etc.) and analysed them before looking at our classification chart to discover which trees our leaves had come from.
Read Hour - 8th September 2021
Year 6 enjoyed taking time to read their favourite stories to celebrate Read hour. We also read our class novel together and took some time to read with our friends.
Weekly Math Investigations
Every Friday Year 6 work in small groups or pairs to complete math investigations. We focus on a range of different areas and discuss our findings at the end of the lesson.
Dicey Operations
Reach 100
Sealed Solution
Below is an outline of what the children will be learning each term.
Homework 📚
In year 6, homework will be set on Google Classrooms on a Monday and needs to be completed and turned in by Friday. Each week the children will receive: maths, grammar, PSHE and spellings.
Reading books will be sent home with reading logs which are to be returned daily.
⭐Behaviour -Steps to Success⭐
We have introduced our new behaviour system in class where children aim to reach the 'Sky is the limit' zone to show outstanding behaviour or maintain their good behaviour in the 'Green for Growth' zone. Look out for a certificate on a Friday to commend your child if they manage to end the week in green or blue zone.
Secret Student 🕵️♂️🕵️♀️
Secret student takes place daily. One child in the class is the secret student and it is their job to model excellent behaviour as well as report back any outstanding behaviour they have seen from their peers in class.
Autumn Term 1🍂
During Autumn Term 1, Year 6 will be studying the book 'The Nowhere Emporium' with plenty of opportunity for creative writing. We will be studying our local area in Geography thinking about the city of Liverpool and its iconic landmarks, which we will recreate in Art. Our history focus will be 'Black History Month', researching a range of influential people in the music and sporting industry. The children will investigate forces completing experiments on friction, gravity and air resistance.
Autumn Term 2 ❄
During Autumn Term 2, Year 6 will be studying the book 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas', learning to empathise with characters and support their understanding of the holocaust which will make cross curricular links to their History topic WWII. For Geography the children will research similarities and differences between London and Berlin. In Science children will investigate properties and changes in materials, testing the absorbency of different materials and investigating soluble/insoluble solutions and mixtures.
Spring Term 1🌱
During Spring Term 1, Year 6 will be studying the book ‘The Secrets of a Sun King’ which will enhance their knowledge of Ancient Egypt - linking to their spring term History focus. There will be cross curricular links to Geography as the children will be studying the River Nile as their new topic. Additionally, Year 6 will be making clay sculptures of Tutankhamun’s burial mask in Art. For Science, the children will be investigating light and shadows and learning about key scientific terminology such as ‘refraction’ and ‘reflection’.
Spring Term 2🌻
Now we are back in school, Year 6 will be completing some writing on the short story 'The Water Tower' giving them the opportunity to explore what makes a good Sci-Fi story and write their own. In History the children will be creating a timeline of key historical events which they have studied throughout their school life, as well as giving them the chance to research new periods of History which they have not studied previously. This will build on their chronological ordering skills. Our Geography unit this term follows on from our Ancient Egypt topic and is looking at deserts; how they are formed, locating deserts across the world and researching the animals which inhabit them. For science children will study the Theory of Evolution and adaptation. In Art children will be exploring using paint to recreate space and Sci-Fi paintings, linking to the illustrations in our story.
Summer Term 1🌞
Our novel this term is 'Skellig' written by David Almond, it is a fantastic story which will give the children lots of opportunity to develop their creative writing skills. History this term is The French Revolution, the children will learn about the rule of King Louis XVI, the causes of the revolution and the impact it had. Linking to our History topic, we will be learning all about France both the physical and human geography and studying the work of the French artist Henri Matisse. Our topic for Science this term will be Earth and space. The children will be learning about the planets, understanding night and day and the movement of the moon.
Summer Term 2🌞
This term we will be continuing with our novel 'Skellig' written by David Almond, as well as reading some short stories to give the children plenty of opportunity to develop their creative writing skills. We will be looking at the abolition of slavery this term in History and focusing on The tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and the Arctic circles in Geography. In keeping with our topic of France, the children study the work of the French artist Claude Monet recreating some of his wonderful artwork.
Nature Friendly Schools 25.5.21
Year 6 had a great morning playing games and exploring outside with Nature Friendly Schools. They had the opportunity to design their perfect outdoor learning space. There were some fantastic ideas!
🌈Mental Health Awareness Week ( 10th - 14th May 2021)
Year 6 celebrated Mental Health awareness week doing lots of lovely activities; they dressed to express, made information leaflets, explored nature and created some wonderful nature art and enjoyed singing and dancing to uplifting music.
This week Year 6 participated in a wonderful workshop all about diversity. They took part in a class quiz, group discussions and then produced poems in their groups as well as on their own about diversity, including all the key information they had learnt during the session.
A big well done to all our Year 6 children who applied to be a Wellbeing Warrior, we know you will all do a fantastic job!
Year 6 had a busy morning planting flowers at the front of the school to get ready for summer.
Pupils in Year 6 will now be given the opportunity to ‘request a selfie’ of any work they have produced which they feel proud of. A picture of them and their work will be taken and emailed to their parents/carers with a little note from their teacher. These pictures will then be uploaded onto the school website to share their excellent work!
Next term Year 6 will be starting up their own parliament. They will be doing weekly news updates for the school, creating posters for a notifications board on any upcoming events and providing a suggestions box in the school hall for children and staff to use. The children have also decided that they would like to introduce 'Behaviour Ambassadors' to Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. It will be their responsibility to model excellent behaviour around school.
As part of our planning for Year 6 Parliament, the children participated in a range of activities during
'UK Parliament Week' to help gain a deeper understanding of the roles and responsibilities involved.
19th March 2021
26th March 2021
Year 6 CHET visit
Year 6 had a fantastic time during their visit to CHET.
They enjoyed participating in a range of outdoor activities building on their teamwork skills.
Key Stage 2 children had a fantastic time at the circus. It was a wonderful trip which has inspired the children to produce lots of excellent writing.