Year 6 Remote Learning
Whilst we are all staying home and staying safe, it is really important that we remain focused and keep up to date with all our school work. In Year 6 we do this using Google Classrooms. All our work is uploaded to Google Classrooms on a daily basis and the teacher is there for any questions and to give feedback.
Weekly Timetables
Please find below our Weekly Timetables for Remote Learning with attached links.
Star Worker
We will be continuing with our Star Worker certificates which we started in class, before lockdown.
Each week, one pupil who has demonstrated excellent work and effort and who has engaged with all of the online work set, will be awarded a virtual certificate. This star worker certificate will be uploaded onto the class stream on Google Classrooms and also sent out to parents.
22nd January 2021
It was so difficult to choose just one star worker this week so we have chosen 2 children for all their wonderful work and engagement in remote learning.
Here are some wonderful newspaper reports written by our Star Workers this week.
29th January 2021
A big well done to our two Star Workers this week. They have been fully engaged in their remote learning and produced lots of fantastic work. Here is some of their wonderful work.
5th February 2021
Here is some wonderful work from our two star workers this week.
A great History fact file on Egyptian Gods and an excellent Monologue written from the point of view of Lil, the main character in our class novel.
12th February 2021
It was simply too difficult to choose one star this week. All of Year 6 have worked so hard this half term and produced lots of fantastic work. This week's award goes to all the children for their excellent engagement with their online learning. A big well done everyone!
26th February 2021
A big well done to our star worker this week who has worked really hard with all their remote learning lessons. Here is a wonderful piece of writing they produced using lots of formal language.
5th March 2021
Our final remote learning star worker goes to someone who has produced consistently good work and engaged with all remote learning. Here is a wonderful poem they have written about happiness.
Year 6 Home Learning
Below are all the pictures of all the wonderful work Year 6 have been completing at home.
Wellbeing Wednesday 10.2.21
On Wednesday, the whole school celebrated a wellbeing day. It was a non-screen day giving the children and their families time to engage in activities they enjoy such as painting, cooking, exercising and watching movies. Below are some pictures of all the wonderful things Year 6 got up to.
Key Links
Below are key links which will come in useful for all your online learning.