Welcome to Year 1!
Teacher: Miss Bryan
In Year 1, we use 'ClassDojo', the children will gain dojo points for their positive behaviour. If you get 30 dojo points in a week, you can choose a prize out of the treasure chest. Dojo points will be given out for good effort in class, making good choices, helping others and there may even be a chance to take part in an unlucky lucky dip!
๐Steps to Success๐
We are continuing with our behaviour system in class where children aim to reach the 'Sky is the limit' zone to show outstanding behaviour or maintain their good behaviour in the 'Green for Growth' zone.
๐Homework and Reading๐
Homework will be sent home each Friday and should be returned the following Friday. Homework will accessible for your children and they will usually have prior knowledge to help them in completing it. Reading books will also be changed and sent home on a Friday, please do not forget to comment in reading records. A log is kept for those who return homework and reading books weekly and children who are consistent with this will be rewarded at the end of each half term.
Tube Towers - 12.01.23
We made tube towers out of paper for our Art topic of Sculptures and 3D: Paper Play.
Role Playing a Visit to Church - 12.01.23
In our RE lesson today we role played our visit to the church. We had greeters at the door giving out hymn books. The congregation collected their books and sat to listen to the priest at the front.
Numbers to 20 - 06.01.23
We made a start on our new maths topic of place value to 20 by playing number bingo. We were very good at recognising our numbers to 20 and all had an excellent time waiting to shout ‘BINGO!’
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!๐๐ ๐ป
Christmas Party - 20.12.22
We had so much fun at our Christmas party today, playing pass the parcel, eating some lovely food and having a good time with our friends!
Nativity - 15.12.22
Today we took part in our first KS1 Nativity performance. We were very brave and did an excellent job performing in front of all of the adults that came to see us.
Windmills - 14.12.22
We have been working on making windmills in our Design and Technology lessons, today we finished the construction of our windmills.
Christmas Dinner Day - 07.12.22
We put on our Christmas hats that we had spent a long time making and celebrated our Christmas dinner with the rest of the school. It was delicious, thank you Donna and the kitchen team!
Mary’s Preparation - 06.12.22
As we have been discussing waiting in our RE lessons, we spoke about how Mary would have prepared whilst she was waiting for the birth of Jesus, the Son of God.
The Start of Advent - 01.12.22
Today we spoke about the advent wreath and how we use it to help us in waiting for christmas day to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Odd Socks Day - 14.11.22
We wore odd socks to represent how we are each unique and we celebrated our differences.
Remembrance Day - 11.11.22
The children dressed as soldiers or nurses or wore something red today for Remembrance Day. We walked to the cenotaph and left a poppy in thanks to all of the people who had died serving and protecting our country.
Black History Month
This month we have been looking at a very special lady called Wangari Maathai for Black History Month. She helped to change the world by planting trees, paying women their first earnings and standing up for what is right.
Show Racism the Red Card - 21.10.22
We discussed the importance of showing racism the red card and we wrote about why this was important to us.
World Mental Health Day - 10.10.22
We said Hello Yellow today for World Mental Health Day, we discussed how our mental health is equally as important as our physical health. We discussed how there is always someone there to talk to whether it is a parent, a friend, a wellbeing warrior or a trusted adult around the school.
Roald Dahl Day - 13.09.22
We had a fantastic time on Roald Dahl day, listening to some very funny snippets from the story 'The Twits', we will never look at a man with a beard in the same way! We also listened to Mrs Watson read the story 'The Enormous Crocodile' and shared some of our other favourite books by Roald Dahl.
Harry Potter Day - 05.09.22
We had a fantastic first day at school being placed in a house by the sorting hat, engaging in lots of team building exercises with our friends and getting stuck in to our learning with some Harry Potter themed work.