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We are an 'Outstanding' School - CSI Report, in April 2024.
  • Our Lady Queen of Peace
  • Catholic Primary School
  • ‘Through Christ we Live, Love and Learn’

Year 5

Year 5 2022/2023

Welcome to Year 5! 

Teachers: Mrs Rimmer & Mrs McKenn

Below is an outline of what the children will be learning each term.


Homework 📚

In year 5, homework will be set on a Tuesday and needs to be completed and turned in by Friday. Each week the children will receive: maths, grammar, spellings and will be given topic based homework on occassions. 

Reading books will be sent home with reading logs which are to be returned daily. 


⭐Behaviour - Steps to Success⭐ 

We are continuing with our behaviour system in class where children aim to reach the 'Sky is the limit' zone to show outstanding behaviour or maintain their good behaviour in the 'Green for Growth' zone. 

We are also using class punch cards, 10 punches will earn you a prize. 


Autumn Term 🍂
During Autumn Term, Year 5 will be studying the book 'Coming home 1918'  a thrilling story set in WW1 with plenty of opportunity for creative writing. We will be exploring climate zones in Geography thinking about our world and how the climate changes according to where in the world you are. Our history focus will be WW1 which will work alongside our Literacy work. In Science the children are completing the units 'Circle of life' and 'How plants reproduce' where they will explore how living grow, adapt and reproduce. 



Our second book this term is a Science- fiction text called 'The Water tower.' The children will be writing to build suspense, completing setting and character descriptions and writing a diary entry from the point of the view of the main characters. 



Spring Term 
During Spring Term, Year 5 will be studying the book 'The boy in the tower'  a thrilling story set in modern society with lots of mystery and challenges. We will be exploring Rainforests in Geography, locating rainforests across our world and studying the plants, animals and people that live there.  Our history this term will be the study of The Tudor monarchs and their impact. In Science the children are completing the units 'Get sorted' and 'Everyday materials'. There will be a big focus on fractions in maths this term so it would be great if the children were practising their times tables at home. 



Prayer and Liturgy


Today we gathered and celebrated Ash Wednesday. We created our own Lenten promises and then gathered with the whole school to receive our ashes.


We gathered for our prayer and liturgy today where we listened to the scripture about Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist. As a class we took time to reflect on how we as children of God can make good choices and a fresh start to the year in order to spread the good news and values of the Lord. 



This week our Prayer and Liturgy focus has been friendship. Today we gathered and listened to 'Ecclesiastes 4:9-10' which told us  that 'two are better than one' and the importance of having someone there to support and help when you fall down. We listened to the song 'count on me' and reflected on why it is important to look after our friends. Children took a plaster as their go forth to remind them that friends are there to help them heal. 


Music - Blues


Rainforest Music

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Year 5 Samba

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Blues - Ray Charles - Hit the road Jack

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World Book Day 2.3.23

Year 5 had a great day celebrating World book day. They enjoyed reading to the year 2 children and even enjoyed a story with Teddy our Therapy dog. They created their own book marks and wrote some wonderful blurbs for our whole school competition. 



In Science we have really enjoyed completing lots of experiments for our topic 'Get sorted" we have experimented with solids, liquids and gases and different materials and their properties. 

Rockstar Day

Year 5 had a great day celebrating rockstar day. They all looked great in their costumes and enjoyed spending time improving their scores on TT Rockstars.


Music: Body Percussion

In music our topic is body percussion and the theme is rainforests, which fits in nicely with our Geography topic on rainforests of the world. Body percussion is a style of music where you use your body to make sounds my clicking, clapping, hitting and stomping. We discussed using texture and tempo in our body percussion compositions. The children then created simple body percussion routines in small groups, which they then performed for the class. The children really enjoyed simple rhythms. 


Maths Problem solving

10th January 2023 

During Maths today we worked together in pairs to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers. What a great job we did!


Flashback Friday

Each Friday we revisit our previous learning by doing quizzes, investigations and group work. We look back over all subject content and try to remember out 'sticky knowledge'.

Elf Day

Today the children celebrated elf day. We all wore green or dressed as an elf to raise money for the Alzheimers society. We discussed what Alzheimers is and how we can offer our support. 


Remembrance Day 

Year 5 created newspaper print poppies for remembrance this year. They also created a WWI soldier scarecrow and enjoyed participating in our annual walk to the cenotaph to lay down out poppies and share a minutes silence for the fallen soldiers. 


PSHE Outdoors

We took our PSHE lesson all about friendship outdoors. We spent time discussing what a good friend is, why it is important to have friends and what we should do if we upset our friends. The children came up with some excellent ideas, which were recorded in our class floor book. 


Through Christ, we live, love and learn
