Class Teacher: Miss Travers
We are really excited to start the New Year as we know that the year ahead holds lots of fun, laughter and learning! Below is some important information about life in Year 6!
Year 6 will be set their homework on Wednesdays on Class Dojo and will need to be completed by the following Wednesday. Each week the children will have a maths and grammar activity. Reading books will be given out every Monday and are to be returned by Friday with reading record cards. We ask that parents/guardians complete the reading cards provided ensuring that they are signed and dated. This will help us to track pupils reading outside of school and better support them.
Secret Student
Each day a secret student is chosen and has to model excellent behaviour, at the end of the day we ask each pupil in our class to say who they think it is.
We have introduced a new behaviour system called 'steps-to-success'. Children who show excellent behaviour can reach 'Sky is the limit', and children who maintain good behaviour end up in the 'Green for Growth' zone.
Dojo winner
Dojo points are given to the children if they have displayed excellent effort and behaviour. If a child reaches 100 dojos, they receive a special prize from our dojo reward box!
Autumn Term
Our novel this term will be "Letters from the Lighthouse', a wonderful story written by Emma Carroll which will run alongside our History topic of WWII this term. In Geography we will be learning all about the UK and explore some of the famous landmarks. In our Science module 'Everything Changes’, children will learn about natural selection and inheritance. We will also be exploring the topic of ‘Light’ and learn about how it travels to enable us to see. PE this term will remain on Wednesdays and pupils will be developing their skills in rugby and swimming.
Spring Term
During the Spring term, Year 6 will be studying the book 'Gaslight' a thrilling story set in Victorian Cardiff with plenty of opportunity for creative writing. We will be exploring our local area in Geography thinking about the city of Liverpool and its iconic landmarks as well as looking at rural areas. Our history focus will be the Victorians. We will learn about their monarchs, lifestyle and jobs. In Science the children are completing the unit 'Body Pump' and will explore the body’s circulatory system.
SATS information
To celebrate Harry Potter day, year 6 took part in some magical maths activities. We solved problems relating to converting galleons, knots and sickles (currency used in Harry Potter) into pounds and pence!
R.E - Catholic Life
St Nicholas’ Day
To celebrate St Nicholas' Feast Day, year 6 learnt all about why St Nicholas is a patron saint and all of the good deeds he did for people. We made freeze frames to represent some of the amazing miracles St Nicholas performed.
This week in our Daily Prayer and Liturgy sessions, Year 6 have been exploring the theme of ’Friendship’. Today we gathered and listened to John 15: 12-13 which told us that ‘friends love each other the same way Jesus loves us’. We talked about how we can show love, patience, compassion and kindness to our friends and the impact this has on others.
Feast Day of Our Lady Queen of Peace
To celebrate the feast day of Our Lady Queen of Peace, year 6 put together a whole school assembly which reminded us of how we can follow in her footsteps and spread peace around our school and to our community. We are all very proud that our school bears her name!
Art and Design
Design & Technology
Today we began making our playground structures using a variety of materials e.g. lolly pop sticks, cardboard. We used our designs from the previous lesson to help us.
Today we looked inside an evacuee’s suitcase and made some judgements and predictions about what some of the items were and what they may have been used for. We used key artefacts and historical evidence to help us gather more information about this pivotal point in history.
Today we looked at the human and physical features of each of the four UK countries.
Forest school
Year 6 loved their first forest school session this week! We enjoyed climbing trees, digging, building shelters and bug hunting. We can't wait for our next session next week!
Year 6 had a wonderful forest school session today where we made our very own natural resources using a variety of tools. We made lots of things such as spears, musical instruments, bows and swings! We also practised our fire lighting skills and topped it off with toasting some marshmallows! Delicious!
Year 6 had great fun this morning in our 3rd forest school session. We enjoyed climbing trees, making natural resources, digging and fire lighting! As our class also got the highest attendance last week, Teddy was able to join us in all of our fun. To top it off, we made some s’mores on the fire which were delicious!
Today the children celebrated elf day. We all wore green or dressed as an elf to raise money for the Alzheimers society. We discussed what Alzheimers is and how we can offer our support.