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We are an 'Outstanding' School -CSI Report, in April 2024
  • Our Lady Queen of Peace
  • Catholic Primary School
  • ‘Through Christ we Live, Love and Learn’


Topic 1- Myself

Children talked about the importance of our names. We decorated name place mats and played a detective game, looking for names around the classroom setting! Children enjoyed creating self-portraits using a variety of media. We have been talking about what we look like and celebrating our differences. God made us all different and unique, that’s what makes us all so special!

29/09/23 Topic Celebration 

Nursery and Reception enjoyed celebrating the end of our topic ‘Myself’ with family members. We gathered together and remembered how God loves us and knows each one of our names. We looked into a mirror and recalled phrases from scripture Isaiah 43 1:2, ‘I am precious to God’ and ‘God loves me’. Children enjoyed singing our favourite song from the topic called ‘God Loves Me’ by John Burland. Children thought about how they feel when they hear or see their name and drew faces with family members to express their ideas. We then placed them around our class display as each one’s name was called. What a lovely morning celebration! 😊

Topic 2- Welcome


Focus week 2- Welcome into God's family through Baptism

Children were able to recall the names, actions and sequences of Matthew's Baptism. We talked about and labelled the names of people and objects used in Baptism. 

Respond- Remembering, celebrating and responding to what it is to welcome and be welcomed. Baptism: a welcome into God's family.

Children reflected on their learning about feeling welcomed. We used our floor book to remember and talk about how we are welcomed into God's family. Children were able to recall people, actions and words said at a Baptism.

We thought about how we welcome others and planned a small tea party with Year 1 children. We gave our visitors a welcoming smile!

Topic 3- Birthday


Children shared their own experience of celebrating a birthday and going to a party. We talked about what we would need to celebrate a birthday and then had our very own party! We  ate party food, danced and played pass the parcel! 🥳🎉

Reveal- Focus 1
We have enjoyed preparing for Advent as we look forward to the birthday of Jesus at Christmas. We made an Advent Calendar and created daily tasks of love to help us prepare for his special day. We made a wreath with green leaves in a circular shape to symbolise eternal life- God’s love for us has no end.  🙏🏼❤️

Reveal Focus 2

Children enjoyed exploring the Nativity story using the figures from the crib. They were able to talk about the people from the Nativity story and retell events using stick puppets. Children enjoyed making Christmas cards showing Jesus laying in a manger. 


Children enjoyed celebrating with family members to celebrate all their learning about what a birthday is and why we retell the story of Jesus’ birth each year. Children talked about what gift of love they would give to Jesus for his Birthday. Children shared who they had posted their Christmas cards to as a symbol of joy as we await Jesus' Birthday. 

Topic 4- Celebrating


Children enjoyed talking abut what a celebration is and how people celebrate. We shared photographs from home to share celebrations that we have been part of. We also enjoyed a back to school 'New Year' celebration, sharing party food, playing games and dancing!

Reveal- Focus 1

Children have enjoyed learning about the different types of celebrations in Church. Children had a wonderful visit to Church and met Father Andrew. He talked to the children about the different parts of the church and all the artefacts that are part of each mass and celebration. 

Reveal- Focus 2

Children enjoyed learning about The Presentation story and used role-play to re-enact the story. We shone a torch into a dark  bag to reinforce how Jesus is like a light to help people.  


Topic 5- Gathering


Reveal- Focus 1

We learnt about the Parish family and how they gather together for Sunday Mass. Children talked about what happens during the gathering procession and re-enacted it. 

Reveal- Focus 2

We talked about how we listen to God's Word when we gather at Mass. Children listened to the Bible story of Jesus with the children. Jesus loved the children and said, "Let the children come to me." Children played instruments to accompany the song, 'We are God's Children'.


Topic 6- Growing


Reveal- Focus 1

Children talked about Lent and how it is a time to grow more like Jesus. Children drew pictures of sharing, caring and helping. We used the pictures to create a large cross with the title, 'Grow in Love'.  Children made a Lenten tree showing examples of doing things for others and growing in love.

Reveal- Focus 2

Children talked about Good Friday. At the end of Lent, we remember that Jesus died on Good Friday because he loves us all. 


Children talked about Easter as the church's celebration of Jesus' new life. Children made Easter Gardens using fresh flowers and new life crafts including chicks, eggs and lambs. 


Children enjoyed inviting family members to share the ways in which we have been growing more like Jesus as we look forward to Easter. We talked about Spring time when things begin to grow. We remembered how Good Friday is the day Jesus died on the cross. We shared our joy as we look forward to Easter Sunday when God his Father gave Jesus new life and he rose from the dead. Children talked to family members about what they can do to grow in love.

Topic 7- Good News


Children enjoyed talking about examples of 'Good News' and how we feel when we have 'Good News' to share. 

Reveal Focus 1

Children talked about the coming of the Holy Spirit. They enjoyed making windmills, kites and ribbon streamers to attach to tree branches. Children took them outside to see the effects of the wind and linked this to the Holy Spirit. 

Reveal- Focus 2

Children talked about Pentecost as the celebration of the Good News of Jesus. We made streamers with the words, 'Share the Good News of Jesus with everyone'. We listened to John Burland's song, 'The Holy Spirit' and waved our streamers whilst we danced. 


Topic 8- Friends


Children enjoyed talking about making friends and being a friend. They enjoyed making friendship bracelets to share with each other. 


Through Christ, we live, love and learn
