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We are an 'Outstanding' School - CSI Report, in April 2024.
  • Our Lady Queen of Peace
  • Catholic Primary School
  • ‘Through Christ we Live, Love and Learn’

Year 2

          Year 2


     Class teacher-

     Mrs Watson 

Welcome to Year 2!

    Autumn Term

We have lots of exciting learning experiences to engage everybody after their long Summer break!

During this busy term we will be studying a wealth of topics and building our knowledge and understanding of many subjects in our curriculum.

We will learn all about the ‘Great Fire of London’ in History, name and locate the 7 continents and 5 oceans in Geography, in addition to exploring habitats and food chains in Science.

We will investigate food groups and design and make our own healthy wraps during Design Technology lessons. Music will be focused upon the orchestra and the families of instruments within it. We will explore the meaning of ICT and it’s uses in society during computer sessions.

P.E. sessions will be focused around ball skill; rolling, kicking, bouncing and throwing.

In addition to all this we will continue to have a daily phonics lesson following the Read, Write, Inc programme and a daily maths session using White Rose. Our topics will include place value, addition and subtraction and shape.

During R.E. our themes will include; beginnings, signs and symbols and preparations. We will also hold a daily prayer and liturgy.

The term got off to a great start with a school Quidditch day. All classes competed in team building fun activities to score points for their houses.

We used the Harry Potter theme in many aspects of the curriculum. We hid numbered wands in the school grounds for the children to find and order.

Harry Potter Literacy-6/9/22

Harry Potter portraits using the medium of charcoal-7/9/22

Sorting instruments of the Orchestra

Harvest Festival Scarecrow

To link in with our history topic on the Great Fire of London, we made our scarecrow into Samuel Pepys and ensured that we added his diary and a piece of his favourite food, cheese!

Show racism the red card!- 21/10/22

Baptism Role play

World Mental Health Day- 10/10/22

Making 2D shapes

Advent- Daily prayer and liturgy

Christmas Dinner-7/12/22

Christmas Jumper Day-8/12/22

Today we asked Mary how she felt about being chosen to be the mother of Jesus. We thought about how Joseph would have reacted to the news too.

Exploring the Crib

Christmas Play- A Bundle of Joy- 15/12/22

Spring Term

Happy New Year everyone and welcome back for a fun filled term!

We have lots of exciting learning adventures planned for this term!

We begin the year with the introduction of Forest School, enabling us to gain and develop new skills outdoors whilst working as a team.

Here is a rundown of what we will be learning in each area of the curriculum.

History- Significant people

Geography- Hot and Cold Places

Science- Materials and Plants

Design Technology- Mechanisms

Art- Exploring Clay

ICT- Creating media

Music- Myths and Legends

P.E.- Locomotion and Dodging


In addition we will continue to have our daily phonics lessons and our White Rose Maths. In maths sessions we will be covering money, multiplication and division and measure. We will continue to learn our 2,3, 5 and 10 times tables, so keep practising at home by logging into TT Rockstars.

In R.E. we will be exploring the topics of Books, Thanksgiving and Opportunities, in addition to learning all about Lent and Easter.

Daily prayer and liturgy will also continue.

It’s certainly going to be a jam packed term of fun filled learning!


Science- Investigating materials- 10/1/23

Today we investigated materials to test how hard wearing they were. We needed to find out which one was the most suitable to make a pair of dungarees from. We experimented with six samples of varying materials by wrapping them around a stone and then rubbing them against a piece of sandpaper. With our partners we counted how many rubs we could do before the material ripped or got a hole in it.

Today Year 2 were so excited to begin their first session of Forest School!

They had a fabulous time in the woods, exploring, digging, climbing, observing and building.

Today we had lots of fun digging, balancing, climbing rope ladders and making tree blowers.

The session was rounded off by toasting marshmallows on an open fire, yum, yum! 

Our Lady Queen of Peace Feast Day-24/1/23

Today we celebrated the Feast day of Our Lady Queen of Peace by writing prayers to Mary on dove templates. We then laid them around the statue of Our Lady as we recited the’Hail Mary’. 

Today in Forest School we had the chance to make bird feeders using pine cones, lard and seeds.

We continued to explore our environment by digging, climbing, balancing and observing.

The highlight of today’s session was making and eating s’mores. We toasted a marshmallow on the camp fire and squashed it between 2 chocolate digestives- Yum Yum! 

Today the children enjoyed sharing stories with their friends and reading aloud to the whole class.

Samba band

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Today Y2 joined with Y1 to participate in a fantastic Samba session! They enjoyed playing their instruments in time to the Samba beat.

Today at Forest school the children had the opportunity to make potato shooters out of twigs. They also climbed, swung, dug and searched for bugs. The afternoon was rounded off with a delicious cup of hot chocolate, heated by the fire.

There was just time for a quick game of hide and seek in the woods, before we headed back into class.

Internet Safety Day- 7/2/23

Today we enjoyed our fifth session of Forest School. We threaded leaves to make garlands, climbed, swung, dug and built shelters. To end the afternoon we munched on popcorn freshly prepared on the fire.

We had a great time at Forest School today!

We learnt how to safely use a saw to cut pieces of bamboo which we then decorated.  Our tasty treat to end the afternoon was pancakes cooked on the open fire, yum,yum! 

World Book Day- 2/3/23

Today we enjoyed sharing our favourite books with Year 5. They read to us with such enthusiasm and even Teddy the dog joined in the fun!

This afternoon we had a great time at Forest School!

We learnt how to safely use tools such as a saw and knife to cut and peel bamboo, which we then decorated. We had the chance to relax in a hammock or role play using the props such as a cauldron, broom stick and magic wand.

We ended the session by toasting bread on the fire and spreading it with yummy butter!

The freezing temperatures and snowy conditions didn’t dampen Year 2’s spirits this morning at Forest School. They huddled around the fire to keep warm and munched on delicious cinnamon and sugar apples.

Today the children had the chance to make charcoal pencils or create their own ink by heating elderberries on the fire. In addition they chopped firewood, climbed trees, built shelters and played on the swing. The morning was rounded off by toasting Starburst sweets on the fire.

Through Christ, we live, love and learn
