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We are an 'Outstanding' School -CSI Report, in April 2024
  • Our Lady Queen of Peace
  • Catholic Primary School
  • ‘Through Christ we Live, Love and Learn’

Year 3/4

Greetings from Year 3/4. It has never been more important to stay at home and protect ourselves, however we do still need to try our best to maintain normality. This means it is vital that our children are keeping up to date with their school work and completing their lessons. We have now moved our remote learning to Google Classrooms which allows us assign classwork and track the children's progress - as we would in school. Here are the weekly timetables which provides a breakdown of your child's lessons and lots of links to access the resources. 


Please Stay Safe!


Miss Owusu

Star Worker


Each week we will have a new 'Star Worker'. 

Our 'Star Worker' will be a pupil who has put in amazing effort in all of their school work, someone who continues to actively engage with their learning each day and tries their very best.

It is always such a hard choice as you all work very hard! 




               This week's Star Worker goes to someone who continues to show great effort in his work. He has worked extremely hard in his Geography lesson and I was blown away by his effort. Well done Max!

  The children have been working so hard during term. Take a look at some of the amazing work the children in       Year 3/4 have been completing at home.

Remote Learning Work.

Why not take a sneak peak at next terms reading book. 

We had a lovely day dedicated to Well-being at home. This was a day to relax and do the things that make us happy! Take a look at some of the wonderful activities the children did on their well-being day. smiley

Wellbeing Wednesday

Remote Learning Weekly Timetable

Please also find some useful links to many of the resources we use. 
Key Links

Through Christ, we live, love and learn
