Welcome to Year 2!
Class Teacher: Mrs Watson
Stars of the Week-22/10/21
Here are our two "Wellbeing Warriors". Their role is to set a good example to their class- exhibiting exemplary behaviour and promoting good standards of work. They are also there to provide support to anyone who may need it.
We have introduced a new behaviour system in class where there are 4 stages the child can enter:
1) Sky is the Limit- this is for children who show outstanding behaviour or do outstanding work.
2) Green for Growth- this is where every child starts each day, and will continue to stay if they maintain good behaviour.
3) Mellow Yellow- a child will be moved down to this zone if they start to misbehave.
4) Red Zone Reflection- this zone is used when children show consistent bad behaviour throughout the day. If a child is on this zone they must fill out a reflection sheet. They will also get an email home if they are in this zone more than two times in one week.
Certificates are sent out on a Friday to the parents of children who have ended the week on "Sky is the Limit" or "Green for Growth".
Secret Student takes place daily. One child in the class is chosen and it is their job to model excellent behaviour throughout the day. At the end of the day, the class will guess who they think the secret student is. Once revealed, our student can then provide feedback about some of the other good behaviour they have seen from their peers throughout the day.
Mental Health Day
We wore yellow clothes to celebrate mental health day and talked about the different emotions, thoughts and feelings we can have and ways to effectively deal with them.
We worked in collaboration with Year 1 to create this jigsaw bee picture.
National Poetry Day
Year 2 enjoyed writing acrostic poems about Wolves, which linked to their current quality text, ‘The Way Home For Wolf’
Year 2 enjoyed designing and making their own Tudor houses, whilst learning about the Great Fire of London.
Nature Friendly Schools
This week Year 2 enjoyed two outdoor lessons in conjunction with Nature Friendly Schools. They took science outside of the classroom to explore and act out the food chains of animals in our school environment.
The following day they participated in a fantastic art session combining colour, texture, shape and form in collaboration with nature.
Year 2 enjoyed learning about Mary Seacole. They made their own timelines to highlight the main events in her life.
Year 2 had a fabulous afternoon out at the bookshop in the Strand. They completed a drama workshop and used their imagination to transport themselves in a time machine.
They explored the costumes of famous book characters, discovered hidden doors, plus they got to sit in a real life model time machine. They even got to pick a book which they could bring home and keep.
Today we took our maths lesson outside and went in a hunt to find number pebbles. We used these stones to formulate number bonds to 10 and 20, reinforcing the learning we had covered in class this week.
The start of Anti-bullying week was marked by wearing odd socks to school, celebrating the fact that everyone is different and this should be respected.
These anti- bullying posters were created by our class ‘Well being warriors.’
Today Year 2 were lucky enough to receive a visit from John the archaeologist. He taught them fascinating facts about the Stone Age and showed them genuine artefacts, in preparation for when they study this era in Year 3.
This term Year 1 and 2 have started a Geography after school club, which runs every Wednesday from 3-4pm.
We are currently focusing upon orienteering and mapping skills.
This term we have started a new lunchtime reading club called ‘Torch Tuesdays’
We turn off all the lights and the children select a book to read using a finger torch. Some of the Year 6 class take part too and enjoy reading stories to the younger children.
The club has caused much excitement and Year 1 and 2 are so excited for Tuesdays!
Year 2 enjoyed learning about Sikhism.
They discovered the five K’s and made Kara’s (silver bracelets) and flags ( Nishan Sahub).
A competition was held in Key Stage One to design a book cover. The winner got to pick a book from the book fair.
Here are the two runners up.
Here is the well deserving winner!
We drew hot air balloons to demonstrate the support network of people that we all have in our lives. They are all interconnected and provide a safe haven for us to confide in, instilling confidence for us to soar through life, overcoming challenges we face!
To mark the end of Children’s Mental Health week, we all took part in a ‘dress to express’ day, which enabled us to come to school wearing clothes that represented our diverse personalities!
To show our support for Ukraine we wore yellow and blue clothes for school.
We held a colouring contest to raise money.
Here is the winning entry.
We are lucky enough to be participating in a Chester Zoo conservation program, which consists of three workshops, leading up to a trip to the zoo.
Today we met Laura who taught us all about native and non native species. We then explored the school grounds to search for elements of nature.
Today Laura was back to teach us all about food chains and habitats by acting out the animals, birds, insects and plants within them.
Today Laura taught us about the changes we could make in order to protect our environment and the creatures within it.
We finished the session by picking up litter within our school grounds.
Year 2 estimated and measured the perimeter of their playground using a trundle wheel. They discovered that it was 102 metres. Their estimations were very accurate and one girl even guessed correctly.
Year 2 were so excited to dress up today to celebrate the launch of T T Rockstars!
They love playing this interactive maths program to increase their knowledge of times tables and related division facts.
Many children log in on a daily basis at home and challenge themselves to beat their score.
Today the children had lots of fun participating in activities that contributed to their well being. Their curriculum consisted of arts and crafts, cookery and gymnastics.
A good day was had by all!