Key Information
All knowledge organisers can be found on class pages. Please click the link below and take a look at your child's class RE page.
Key Dates & Letters
Letters from the Archbishop
Click the image below to see all letters from the Archbishop on the Liverpool Archdiocese website.
Church Newsletters
Click the image below to read the church newsletters for Our Lady & The English Martyrs
Sacramental Information
All Parishes within Liverpool Archdiocese follow the 'With you always' sacramental preparation programme.
More information can be found on the parish website by clicking on the picture below:
Liturgical Year
The Catholic Church has a rich tradition of ritual and celebration that helps to connect each new generation with its past. The Catholic Church sets aside certain days and seasons of each year to recall and celebrate various events in the life of Christ. Clcik
the link below for more information about the liturgical year in Our Lady Queen of Peace: