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We are an 'Outstanding' School -CSI Report, in April 2024
  • Our Lady Queen of Peace
  • Catholic Primary School
  • ‘Through Christ we Live, Love and Learn’

Nursery and Reception

Summer 2

13/07/22 Topic Celebration 

This term, children have been exploring the topic ‘Great Outdoors’. This week ends our ‘Seaside’ focus and what better way to celebrate than a visit from the ice cream man! 🍦

29/06/22 Graduation 

Reception children had a lovely time at their Graduation this morning celebrating their time in our Foundation Stage. We are so proud of how they’ve all grown into caring, kind hearted and resilient individuals. Well done! 🎓

15/06/22 Sports Day

Nursery and Reception had a wonderful time taking part in lots of events for Sports Day and demonstrated a real team spirit! Parents also enjoyed taking part in a race. 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏻

13/07/22 Trip to Windmill Farm

06/06/22 Bootle and Netherton Fire Service Visit

On Monday, children had an informative visit from Bootle and Netherton Fire Officers. Children enjoyed finding out all about their role in the community and exploring the Fire Engine. Children even got to have a go at squirting the hose!

Summer 1

23/05/22 Police Visit 

This week, Nursery and Reception were delighted to have a visit from two Police Officers. This term our topic has been all about ‘Growing’. We have been talking about what we’d like to be when we grow older and exploring jobs in the community. We asked lots of questions and found out all about the job of a police officer then we got to look inside their car. We sat in the seats and learnt all about the car, it’s flashing lights and the siren. We learnt that Police Officers are always there to help us and that they are always there to keep us safe from harm.

13/05/22 Growing Topic 
Nursery and Reception have had another wonderful week continuing our learning around the theme ‘Growing’. We have observed more changes with our ‘Greenhouse’ bean experiment- we can see roots, stem and leaves! The children noticed how the roots are ‘hairy’. We talked about how the roots absorb all the nutrients and water from the soil. We worked together to plant our beans in soil. This week we have started to explore the artist- Georgia O’Keefe and her beautiful flower paintings. Children enjoyed painting their own flowers in the style of this artist using bright and vivid colours. Children have also been learning about the life cycle of a caterpillar and how important it is to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Children have enjoyed a selection of fruits this week linked to our focus texts- Handa’s Surprise and Oliver’s Fruit Salad. 🍒🍉🍓🍇


Nursery and Reception have enjoyed using their senses to explore herbs. We have been talking about ways to relax when we feel anxious. We enjoyed making lavender bags and practising our balloon breathing to inhale the calming scent.

Flower Experiment 
Nursery and Reception have been exploring how flowers drink water! We took part in an experiment to prove that water does travel up the stem. We placed food colouring in the water and waited for the white petals to change colour. Children enjoyed recording their observations. 🌸

5/05/22 Vegetables 

This week Nursery and Reception have been learning all about vegetables.  We voted for our favourite vegetable and ‘carrots’ won with 15 votes! Today, we had a visit from a GIANT Carrot who told us all about root vegetables. We learnt that carrots contain vitamin A, which promotes good vision and is important for growth, development, and immune function. Children helped to act out the story ’The Giant Carrot’ as they all pulled it out from the soil! We then peeled some carrots and all had a taste- They were really crunchy! We decided to make carrot soup and talked about how cooking softens the carrot. We enjoyed dipping crusty bread into the soup. 🥕🥣

Today for our Commendation Assembly, one of our Nursery pupils was awarded Star of the week for his excellent reading! He absolutely loves reading books and spends lots of time with his family sharing stories together. Today he read the story ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ to the whole school. He impressed us all with his confidence and expression as he read! What an inspiration! It is lovely to see our youngest pupils developing such a love of reading. ❤️📚


Nursery and Reception have had a lovely first two weeks back exploring our topic ‘Growing’. Children have grown their own cress heads and can tell you what conditions seeds need to grow. They have used all of their senses to explore a range of herbs and made their own concoctions! We have been reading ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and even had a visit from the Giant! He needed our help to learn how to grow a beanstalk as his was chopped down! Children made their own ‘greenhouse’ so they can watch their bean seed germinate and record the changes over the next couple of weeks. We have also made a ‘Flower’ shop in our garden area.  🌻🌷🌸🌺

22/04/22 National Jelly Bean Day

This week we have been reading ‘Jack and the Beanstalk. Today, children had lots of fun exploring jelly beans! We dissolved them in water and watched as the liquid changed colour. We used our senses to explore the jellybean juice! Children enjoyed tasting it and describing the flavour. We then tried to paint using the coloured water. We used the coloured bean juice to create new colours! The yellow and red bean juice mixed to make orange. The purple and green mixed to make brown! We also used wooden sticks and beans to create cubes and build a ‘jellybean’ stalk! Children then took part in process art through sensory  exploration as they created ‘jumping bean’ paintings!  Children rolled the beans around the paint and made super ‘movement’ paintings whilst also exploring colour mixing. 🎨

Teddy Bears Picnic

In Nursery and Reception we encourage children to create their own learning experiences and plan activities. This week one of our pupils said, “Let’s have a teddy bears picnic and bring a blanket!” We all worked together to make a list of food for the picnic. Everyone brought their own blanket and teddy and we all enjoyed sharing snacks whilst listening to the ‘Teddy Bears Picnic’ song by Henry Hall. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t great on the day but it was a great practice run for the sunny days ahead when we will be able to have more picnics 🧺 🌤❤️

Spring 2

Children really enjoyed their visit to the moon! They met ‘Astronaut Davies’ and enjoyed walking on the moon taking big strides! We learnt how the surface gravity on the moon is less than on Earth because it is much smaller. We have been learning so many facts and vocabulary including how the Moon is Earth’s natural satellite! Children had a picnic on the moon as we retold the story ‘Whatever Next’. 

Children have explored how craters on the Moon are caused by asteroids and meteorites colliding with the lunar surface. They conducted an experiment to see if the size and height at which an object is dropped alters the size of the crater that is formed. We found the heavier the object, the greater the impact. Some children made their own craters by pushing various sized rocks into sand in our small world tuft tray. 

Children have learnt how our solar system consists of 8 planets which orbit the sun. They can tell you the names of the planets and also some interesting facts! Family members have helped to continue learning at home by completing home challenges and sharing this work either on Tapestry or presenting it in class. We had a wonderful ‘Alien’ themed party to celebrate all the knowledge we have learnt this last half term. 🛸🪐🌏💫

That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind

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Jackson Pollock 

Children made space themed artwork inspired by the artist Jackson Pollock. We used a paint splatter technique and abstract drip painting to create a space backdrop for a class display. This also linked to exploring gravity as the paint is pulled downwards towards the centre of the Earth. We also used marbles and paint in a box to explore force and motion.  


Children have been learning about constellations- a group of visible stars that form a pattern when viewed from Earth. Children represented various constellations using sticks and marshmallows. 

Internet Safety
To help us to remember how important Internet Safety is, we celebrate Internet Safety Day every year when we take part in lots of activities to help us to learn more about how to keep ourselves safe online.


We read the story about Smartie the Penguin which is an online book and can be accessed below. Whenever Smartie has a problem with his tablet he talks to his parent. We know that to keep ourselves safe when we're using the internet we should be as sensible as Smartie!

Internet Safety

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Nursery and Reception have learnt this song to help them remember how to keep safe online.

3/03/22 Where in the World?

Today we learnt about ‘Italy’ and made our own healthy pizza planets! We looked at Italy on a map and located Rome. We created Italian flags and learnt how ‘pizzas’ were first invented in Naples. Children had lots of fun choosing toppings for their pizzas. 🍕🇮🇹

1/03/22 St David’s Day 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🌼

Children celebrated St David’s by painting daffodils which are the national flower of Wales. We also enjoyed comparing the length of the daffodils, ordering them from shortest to tallest! 


Children have enjoyed talking about our wonderful planet and thinking of how we can look after the environment. We have been learning about what it means to ‘recycle’. We looked at recycling symbols on packaging and learnt about the different materials that can be recycled- glass, cardboard, plastic, paper, metal. We read the books ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ and ‘A Planet Full of Plastic’ to highlight the effect of plastic pollution on God’s Creatures and environment. Children enjoyed recycling old junk in the creative area to make new things including space rockets, cars and even a laptop! Children also set to work recycling at home to each make a ‘litter bug’ for our display table. 


We watched ‘A Whale’s Tale’ on YouTube- Under the sea a whale tries to help the smaller creatures who are struggling with plastic waste. On land, a young boy seeks help to clear the sea in his area. But neither the boy nor the whale can succeed in their own. This reinforced the need to work together.  Children were inspired by this story to go litter picking around the school grounds. 🌍

Spring 1

11/02/22 Well-being 

What could be better for our inner peace and well being than a spa session? We set the stage with an abundance of fluffy towels,  cucumber slices and fresh lemon fragrance. Children enjoyed a relaxing foot bath with bubbles whilst listening to calming mediative music.  

8/02/22 Pyjama Day

Nursery and Reception had a cosy day in their pyjamas for our ‘bed time stories’ theme. We made reading dens and snuggled onto cushions whilst sharing lots of stories together! We just love reading books! 📚


28/01/22 Visit to Church 

We have been learning about the different types of celebrations in Church. Today, children had a wonderful visit to Our Lady Queen of Peace Syro-Malabar Catholic Church. Father Andrew talked to the children about the different parts of the church and all the artefacts that are part of each mass and celebration. 

27/01/22 Birds of Prey Visit

As part of our ‘Animal’ topic, we have been learning about Nocturnal and Diurnal animals. We have been reading ‘Owl Babies' and children had an extremely informative visit from SMJ Falconry.  We learnt about the different Owl species and we found out lots of interesting facts! We learnt what they eat and how they hunt for their food at night time. One of the owls flew over our heads so we could see its wings and feathers! Did you know that owls with dark eyes are nocturnal while owls with yellow eyes are diurnal and hunt during the day? We also got to hold an owl! What a fun afternoon. 

Autumn Term 2

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear...

I’m a Little Snowman

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When Santa Got Stuck up the Chimney

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We wish you a Merry Christmas

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Christmas Pudding

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Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

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Santa Claus is Coming to Town

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17/12/21 Visit from Father Christmas

Shape Hunt

 Children enjoyed going on a shape hunt and found lots of different shapes! They looked at how many sides each shape had and whether all of it’s sides were the same length. 

1/12/21 Where in the World?

Children have had lots of fun learning about Brazil from our lovely teaching assistant who was born and grew up in Brazil.  We learnt how it takes 12 hours to fly to Brazil and it is part of the continent South America.  People speak Portuguese and we learnt to say hello- Oi! We also learnt how to count to five- um, dois, três, quatro, cinco. We talked about how 60% of the Amazon Rainforest is in Brazil and it is full of unique animals, millions of miles of trees, and rare species of plants and bugs- some that haven’t even been discovered yet! We compared the tropical climate to our weather.  We learnt about the Brazilian Carnival where there is a lot of music, dancing and people dressed in colourful clothes. We were so lucky to sample some traditional Brazilian cheese bread and carrot cake with brigadiero! What a wonderful morning we’ve had! 🇧🇷

26/11/21 Wedding Celebration

Today children celebrated the marriage of Betty O’Barley and Harry O’Hay from the story ‘The Scarecrows’ Wedding. As part of our ‘Celebrations’ topic, children have used this story to learn about a Wedding celebration and they worked hard to plan the day thinking carefully about celebration outfits, seating plan, wedding rings and a wedding buffet! The wedding guests enjoyed listening to the Scarecrows make their wedding vows and enjoyed showering the happy couple with confetti! We enjoyed a wedding buffet and all raised a glass to congratulate the couple! Children enjoyed dancing and waved Mr and Mrs O’Hay as they drove off on their honeymoon. 

Where in the World?


As part of our ‘Celebrations’ topic, we have been learning about Diwali and the religion Hinduism which originated in India.  We located India on a map and welcomed a special visitor who talked about her time living in India.   She showed us photographs of the Taj Mahal and we shared our knowledge of Diwali- Festival of Lights.  Our visitor prepared an Indian feast similar to some foods eaten during Diwali celebrations. Children enjoyed sampling poppadoms, chutney and mint dips, korma sauce, masala sauce and balti sauce! The children enjoyed experiencing all the different spices and flavours. A big thank you for such an informative and tasty visit!

Firework Safety Songs 🎆🎇

Stay Safe

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Stay Safe

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We have been learning all about Diwali- The Festival of Light. We have learnt about ‘mehndi’- a body art tradition where intricate patterns are drawn onto the hands and arms. Mehndi is part of the celebration of Diwali, but it’s also said to be a general good luck charm. Children deigned their own mehndi patterns which look great on our ‘celebrations’ display. They also made clay diyas- In Hindu tradition, the lighting of a Diya is an important part of prayer and it signifies purity, goodness, good luck and power. Children also enjoyed making and eating coconut Barfi sweets which are often served during Diwali celebrations. 🕉

Book of the Week
We have enjoyed reading ‘We’re Going on a Pumpkin Hunt’. Children had lots of fun retelling the story outside as we found meowing cats, flapping bats, sticky cobwebs and a scary house! It was a great opportunity to enjoy the autumn leaves by throwing them up in the air and stomping on them to hear the crunch under our feet! We also had a flying visit from the Witch out of the story ‘Christopher Pumpkin’. She read the story whilst making lots of spooktacular spells! 🧙‍♀️

Autumn Term 1


Welcome back to a new school year at Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Primary School! We warmly welcome all new and existing parents and children to our Nursery and Reception class. We hope that you will be very happy and enjoy your time with us!


We have been reading lots of story books celebrating diversity and inclusion. We’ve been talking about how God made us all different- different hair, eye colour, skin, personalities etc. This week we’ve been reading ‘Big Hair, Don’t Care!’ We’re celebrating being different by having a BIG hair day!

Elmer Day 

Children looked wonderful in their colourful clothes for Elmer Day! 
Elmer Day is a celebration of reading, of elephants and of accepting yourself and others, just like Elmer the Patchwork Elephant, star of the Elmer books by David McKee. What a lovely day we’ve all had! 🐘🌈

Elmer Day

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Celebrating everyone’s true colours. 🌈

We are all unique and special 🌈

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Life Cycle of a Butterfly 

For the last few weeks, Nursery and Reception have enjoyed observing caterpillars grow bigger and bigger just like the caterpillar from our story! We have noticed silky webbing in the cup of caterpillars. The webbing protects the caterpillars from any dangers. Caterpillars use the webbing to stick to their plants, as the wind can easily blow them off the leaves. Caterpillars also use the silk to pull leaves around themselves to hide from predators that might like to eat them!

We have noticed that the caterpillars shed their exoskeletons four times while they are eating and growing.  They shed once more after they have attached themselves to the lid of the cup. 

Children were fascinated as they observed the caterpillars change into a chrysalis! We then transferred them into a butterfly habitat and awaited for them to emerge as beautiful butterflies! Children were so excited as the butterflies began to emerge from the cocoon! We fed our butterflies slices of apple and ripe banana. Today, we waved the butterflies goodbye and watched them fly around for a little while until they all disappeared to find their new homes! 🐛🦋

Fly Free Butterflies!🦋

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Fly Free Butterflies! 🦋

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There’s a Tiny Caterpillar on a Leaf

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14/04/21 Fruit Smoothies 

Children had a lovely morning learning about healthy eating. They talked about a variety of fruit and vegetables and the importance of eating ‘5 a day’ which contribute to a healthy mind and body. Children really enjoyed learning how to make a fruit smoothie and got to sample some! Delicious! 🍓🍎🫐

12/04/21 National Pet Day

Children enjoyed sharing photographs of their pets with their friends. It was a great activity to develop speaking and listening skills and children asked lots of questions! 

All About Bears

Over the last few weeks, children have enjoyed learning about different bears- Polar bears, Brown bears and Panda bears. They have explored and compared where they live and the conditions they live in. They have talked about their physical adaptations and how this enables them to survive in their environment. Children have enjoyed creating paintings and models of bears, listening to factual clips on the internet and reading stories to gain knowledge.  We all had fun using the app ‘Chatterpix’, to record a fact about our favourite bear. 



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Spring Time Detectives! 🔎🌱🌷🌼 
Children have enjoyed exploring the changes in weather and natural environment as we have moved from Winter to Spring. They have been fantastic ‘Spring Detectives’, going on nature walks around the school grounds and local area  to find signs of new life. This has been wonderful for our well-being as we have used all our senses to take notice of our surroundings. Children have had fun creating observational paintings and taking part in lots of spring crafts to document their findings. 
16/03/21 Yo- Word up!
Today Reception have been rapping  their tricky words with Dizzy Davies! Can you rap some tricky words? Send in your videos to Dizzy Davies and let’s get reading all our tricky words! 🎤 WORD UP!

Let’s rap our tricky words!

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15/03/21 Making Porridge - Home Challenge 

We have been exploring the text ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. Children have been using porridge oats during role-play activities to retell the story whilst using vocabulary of size- large, medium and small. Children were set a home challenge to use their senses to make their own bowl of porridge that was ‘just right’. They had to talk about how the dry oats felt then compare to how they changed once liquid was added and the oats were cooked. They thought of some fantastic adjectives whilst also making a healthy breakfast with some healthy toppings too! 

12/03/21 Science Week

Nursery and Reception have had lots of fun this week taking part in experiments for Science week.  First we explored ‘dissolving’ and created a ‘Rainbow’ using skittle sweets. Next, we took part in a colour changing flower experiment. We asked the question ‘Does water travel up the stem?’ If this was true then we could change the colour of the petals! Children placed food colouring into cups of water followed by a single flower. As we observed, we noticed that the petals started to change colour.
Our third lesson explored materials to make a comfortable bed for the ‘Three Bears’. Children had to feel each material and sort them into hard and soft. Our third experiment was to explore how Polar bears keep warm in the Arctic. Polar bears have a thick layer of fat which helps to keep them warm so we wanted to put this to the test! We placed both hands into icy water but one was covered in thick lard. The lard helped to keep our hand warm just like it helps polar bears in those cold Arctic winds! Our final experiment was creating an exploding volcano! What a fantastic week we’ve had


We have had a lovely day and enjoyed catching up with all their friends. It was so lovely to see their happy faces as they lined up this morning! We had lots of fun exploring our ‘Bear’ topic. Children also enjoyed taking part in a ‘Rainbow’ experiment for Science week. They worked in teams to create a circle of skittles and then poured water onto the plate and watched as the colouring from the sweets dissolved and created colourful rainbow swirls and shapes! This afternoon we embraced Mindful Monday by connecting with nature and looking for things to make our own ‘nature’ paint brushes! We then used these to paint and mark-make back in class! What a wonderful day. 🌈❤️

🎄Merry Christmas🎄
It has been a pleasure to work with each and every child in Nursery and Reception this term. We are excited for the next chapter in our journey after the holidays. Have a fabulous rest with your amazing children and we will see you in the New Year. As always, many thanks for your continued support.



Welcome to Foundation Stage!


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Christmas Songs

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear! 

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

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Santa Claus is Coming to Town

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I’m a Little Snowman

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Away in a Manger

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8/12/20 Christmas Adventure 
Today we had a wonderful time at Croxteth park farm! The rain certainly didn’t dampen our Christmas spirit! We enjoyed hot chocolate with marshmallows before writing a letter to Father Christmas. Then the magic began when we got to meet the elves and Father Christmas himself! We sang our new friends some Christmas tunes before handing Father Christmas our letters. Luckily he said we were all on the GOOD list and gave everyone a present! After that we got to meet Olaf and some animals in the barn. What a lovely Christmas adventure we all had. 🎄⛄️🎅🏽

30/11/20 Mindful Monday
Today we talked about times when our minds are too busy and we need to release the tension! Children talked about times when they feel angry or annoyed:

  • When they are asked to do too many things. 
  • When a friend upsets them. 
  • When something goes wrong or when a toy breaks. 
  • When they want something they can’t have. 
  • When they are told off at home or a sibling annoys them.

Children made stress balls by filling balloons with water beads. They all enjoyed squeezing the balloons! We talked about using these to ‘squeeze out’ their anger or when they are annoyed.

20/11/20 Anti-Bullying Week: United Againist Bullying
Nursery and Reception took part in Odd Socks Day to represent the fact that we are all different but we all walk together. We have also enjoyed reading ‘Elmer’ and ‘Simon Sock’ and talking about similarities and differences between us. We sang a song reinforcing how being different is what makes us special and unique.

United Against Bullying

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We are all special and unique.

12/11/20 Diwali
Children enjoyed learning about the Festival of Lights called Diwali. We learnt about the story of Rama and Sita. We talked about how people prepare for Diwali by decorating their houses and making bright Rangoli patterns on the front door step to bring good luck. 

Mehndi is also known as henna - it’s a body art tradition where intricate patterns are drawn onto the hands and arms. Mehndi is part of the celebration of Diwali, but it’s also said to be a general good luck charm.

Children enjoyed following instructions to make Coconut Barfi sweets. Once all the ingredients has been mixed together, children rolled the mixture into a ball and left it in the fridge to set.

Whole School Harvest Collection

Sefton Community Pantry has asked me to pass on their thanks for the food donations that you sent in. They talked about the work they do in the local community and how they support families all over Sefton. THANK YOU ♥️

Harvest Food Collection

18/10/20 Repeat Patterns 

This week children have enjoyed creating autumnal repeat patterns using natural objects. 🍁🍂🪵

16/10/20 CAFOD- ‘Brighten Up’ project
Children looked fabulous in their own clothes for our ‘Brighten Up’ day! A big thank you for all your donations towards CAFOD- helping to build a brighter world. We decided to celebrate by singing a bright and colourful song- I Can Sing a Rainbow 🌈

CAFOD Fundraising

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Brighten Up project
Sing a Rainbow
10/10/20 World Mental Health Day 
Nursery and Reception had a lovely day having lots of fun! We sang, danced, painted, ate cake and made some lovely friendship bracelets. We all talked about feelings and gave examples of what makes us feel ‘happy’. Children had fun using the green screen to express what makes them feel happy. We also explored how its ok to feel sad, lonely, angry or worried. We talked about working together and supporting each other through hard times and enjoying the good times. We painted stones linked to the story ‘Only One You’. Children sang their favourite song ‘Wonderful World’ and also our ‘Special’ song to celebrate our uniqueness. 💛
7/10/20 Blue Cross Virtual Zoom
Today we enjoyed a virtual zoom visit from the Blue Cross who talked to the children about how to care for pets. Children enjoyed talking about their own pets and learning how they need lots of love as well as food, sleep, exercise and check ups at the vets.

25/09/20 Science Experiment- Dissolving 

Following on from children talking beautiful ‘rainbows’, we decided to create a rainbow experiment using skittle sweets. We talked about whether the water would dissolve the sweets. Children asked, “What does dissolve mean?” We used coffee granules to demonstrate this. The water broke up the coffee granules - they dissolved into the water and turned it brown! The lumps of coffee had gone! We placed skittles around the edge of a plate. We made predictions, talking about what we thought would happen if water was poured over the skittles. Children loved seeing the colouring from the skittle dissolve into the water to create a beautiful rainbow! Following on from this experiment, we decided to find out what other substances dissolve in water. Children used their senses to describe the following substances and predict whether or not they thought each would dissolve:

rice, sugar, coffee, cake sprinkles.

We found that sugar and coffee dissolved while the rice  grains didn’t. The cake sprinkles were similar to the skittles- the colouring dissolved  and turned the water purple but the hard white balls remained! Check out your child’s Tapestry account to see their comments! 

Healthy Eating Week 28th September - 4th October
We have had lots of fun learning about why it is important to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Children made fruit kebabs and tried carrot, pepper and cucumber batons with hummus and cheese dips! They also made sandwiches using wholemeal bread. Children learnt about the Italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo, best known for creating imaginative portraits using fruit and vegetables! Children created their own portraits in the style of Arcimboldo. 🍐🍒🍇🍓🍍
1/10/20 Poetry Day
We have been learning the song ‘ What a Wonderful World’ sung by Louis Armstrong. Children talked about what beautiful things God has created for us to enjoy. They have created beautiful artwork and we have worked together to create a  class poem describing God’s Wonderful World.
Recycling Week 

This week Nursery and Reception have been learning about what it means to ‘recycle’. We looked at recycling symbols on packaging and learnt about the different materials that can be recycled - glass, cardboard, plastic,paper, metal. We read lots of stories about the effect of plastic pollution on God’s Creatures and environment. Children made a handprint on a world template to represent how they can leave a positive mark to help combat pollution. We watched ‘A Whale’s Tale’ on YouTube- Under the sea a whale tries to help the smaller creatures who are struggling with plastic waste. On land a young boy seeks help to clear the sea in his area. But neither the boy nor the whale can succeed on their own. This reinforced the need to work together. Happy Recycling everyone. 🌎

A Whale's Tale | Hope Works

A whale helps smaller sea creatures who are trapped in plastic waste. On land a young boy seeks support to clear the sea in his area. Fishermen come to his a...

Only One You
We  have had lots of fun exploring our topic ‘Only One You’. We’ve been creating self portraits using paints and also exploring ‘transient art’ portraits by arranging both natural and every day objects to create a face. 
As part of our mindful sessions, we have been reading the book ‘What a Wonderful World’ whilst listening to the words being sung by Louis Armstrong. We have been using our sense of sight to say thank you to God for all the beautiful things that we can see. Children have created some fanatstic art work and also Louis Armstrong portraits. As we talked about jazz music, a child talked about Bob Marley which his uncle likes to listen to. This led beautifully to creating our class mindful song ‘Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley. We’ve been talking about sharing our problems and working together to help and support each other. ❤️

Bob Marley - Three Little Birds (Video for Kids by Noggin)

11/09/20 Roald Dahl Day 
Today children enjoyed dressing up in character to help raise money for Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity.  They all looked wonderful and we had fun using the Green Screen app to superimpose our pictures onto a chosen background! We also enjoyed reading ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ 🐊
Thank you all for your kind donations.

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01/03/20 St David’s Day
On Friday, we enjoyed learning all about St. David's Day. We located Wales on a map and looked at a Welsh flag, talking about how the red dragon is a symbol of Wales. Children also used their senses to explore and paint daffodils and we talked about how they are a popular emblem of a Wales, especially on St David's Day.  We are all looking forward to baking welsh cakes for our snack tomorrow!

25/02/20 Pancake Day

Following on from reading 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes' by Jan Fearnley, children helped to write a list of ingredients to make our own pancakes. At lunch, I went to the shop and bought all the items on the list then we talked about how we would make the pancakes. The following day, children followed  instructions to each make their own pancake mixture before watching as it was transferred into the pan and cooked on the stove. We talked about safety in the kitchen- washing our hands before touching food/ after handling raw egg, handling utensils safely and the dangers of a hot stove ensuring only adults use the cooker and we must not touch. Children enjoyed watching as their pancake was tossed in the pan. Children practised tossing a 'playdough' pancake. Children then chose a topping for their pancake and enjoyed eating it for snack!

14/02/20 Maths Stay and Play 
Today we enjoyed working with family members to join in Maths activities around the classroom. We explored different aspects in Maths such as counting out using 1:1 correspondence,  matching and identifying numerals, making and describing shapes, creating patterns and using the part whole method to explore number facts. A big thank you to everyone who attended. We will be having more sessions in the near future.

10/02/20 Star Constellations 

Today we enjoyed making star constellations using marshmallows and cocktail sticks. We learnt how star maps are made of the brightest stars and the patterns that they make carry names and take the shape of hunters, princesses, objects and mythical beasts associated with Greek mythology.

27/01/20 Mindful Monday
Today Nursery and Reception focused on how to calm  down. We talked about situations when our heart starts pounding or our minds feel too busy. One way to calm down is by 'dragon breathing'- breathe in deep through our nose, hold it for a few seconds, then release a hot fiery breath from our mouths. Children enjoyed creating their own 'dragon breathers' to help with this breathing technique.

27/01/20 Chinese New Year 
Today Nursery and Reception had a special visitor who talked about how Chinese New Year is celebrated. Children enjoyed asking questions about decorations, food and the symbolism behind the 'Dragon' and Year of the 'Rat'. We found out the the Rat was clever, tricking the Ox into giving him a ride across the river! Children enjoyed making Rat crafts, dragon models and also enjoyed some delicious noodles cooked by our visitor!

Space Jumping 
Children enjoyed using a trampoline to practise their space jumping! We measured how high we could jump. The highest jump was 173cm! 🚀


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23/01/20 Space Party
We had a wonderful time at our Space themed party! We danced, sang, played games and enjoyed a party snack together! Children enjoyed presenting rockets they had made at home. We also helped our ‘alien’ friends learn about planet Earth and talked about what it meant to be ‘healthy’. What a fun morning we had!

16/01/20 Science Experiment 
Today we had a great time making our own ‘Moon Craters’. First, we watched internet clips of asteroid explosions on the moon. Then we made our own  ‘moon’ by mixing cornflour and baby oil into a tray before levelling it out to create a smooth surface. Children stood by the tray and dropped their chosen pebble or ball into the mixture. We noticed that the bigger the pebble, the greater the impact and indentation. Some children chose a light ball which made a light impression. Some children stood on a chair to drop their pebble. We noticed that the higher the drop, the greater the impact and deeper the crater. 🌟🚀


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10/01/20 Space Topic
This week we started a new topic all about ‘Space’. We have been reading the story ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy. Just like Baby Bear, we decided to visit the Moon! We put on our space suits, jumped in our rocket and counted back from 5 to BLAST OFF into Space! On arrival we had fun walking and jumping on the moon! The moon has less pull from gravity than the earth because it is smaller. We found we could jump six times higher on the moon than on the earth! We can’t wait to learn more about the moon next week. The children have already thought of questions to explore including ‘Why does the Moon have craters? ‘. 🚀

Zoom to the Moon

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Merry Christmas 


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22/11/19 Owl Visit 
To complement our Nocturnal topic and focus text 'Owl Babies', children had an extremely informative visit from Hawksrus Birds Of Prey. Gareth taught the children about the different Owl species and we found out lots of interesting facts! We learnt what they eat and how they hunt for their food at night time. Gareth let one of the owls fly over our heads so that we could see its wings and feathers. Did you know that owls with dark eyes are nocturnal while owls with yellow eyes are diurnal and hunt during the day? We also stroked and held Kermit- a Tawny Frogmouth Owl!

Eagle Owl

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22/11/19 Hinduism
We have been learning about Hinduism and how this religion originated in India. We located India on a map and welcomed a special visitor who talked to the children about their time living in India. She showed us photographs of the Taj Mahal and let the children explore Indian money- rupees. We discovered that £1 is worth about the same as 100 rupees! We also shared our knowledge of Diwali- 'festival of lights'. Our visitor prepared an Indian feast similar to some foods eaten during Diwali celebrations. Children enjoyed sampling poppadoms, chutney and mint dips, korma sauce, masala sauce, balti sauce and onion bhajis! The children enjoyed experiencing all the different spices and flavours. A big thank for such an informative and tasty visit!

14/11/19 Toasting Marshmallows 

Today we set up a campfire with the necessary fire safety equipment. We talked about how fire is a light source and how it is used for warmth and cooking on. We also talked about how if fire is not respected or treated with care it can cause injuries such as burns and damage the natural environment. We also discussed what things you need to make a fire such as sticks and twigs. We felt the warmth from the fire as we toasted some delicious marshmallows and ate them as we watched the flames flicker. We enjoyed singing some songs and reading 'Kipper's Monster' by Mick Inkpen. On return to class, we warmed up by drinking some hot chocolate! What an exciting start to the day. 


14/11/19 Day and Night topic
Nursery and Reception have been learning about nocturnal animals. Today we welcomed parents to talk to the children about their nocturnal pet snake. 🐍
Children asked lots of questions and enjoyed learning about the different species of snakes, what they eat and how they shed their skin! We felt it's scaly skin and were mesmerised by how long it actually was when not curled up!
11/11/19 Mindful Monday Workshop
Nursery and Reception enjoyed sharing mindful activities with family members. The world is an increasingly busy place and can often seem overwhelming. The ability to step back from this busyness and create calm, reflective spaces in our lives is beneficial to our mental health and wellbeing. We talked about focusing on the present and enjoying the 'moment'. We practised our mindful breathing and took part in activities encouraging us to use our senses, helping us to connect with the present moment and develop awareness.

Remembrance Day

Nursery and Reception watched 'Poppies', a CBeebies animation, which was followed by a one minute silence. Children worked together to make a wreath in remembrance of all the soldiers and families affected by war. 
'We have a poppy wreath,
As red as red can be,
To show that we remember
Those who fought to make us free.'

7/11/19 Church Visit
Nursery and Reception went to church to meet Father Jino. We sang Father our 'welcome' song and gave him a gift to say thank you. Father taught the children about the different parts of the church. He also talked about Baptism and showed us the Baptismal Font. Children were in awe of the beautiful interior of the church and talked about the stained glass windows. A big thank you to Father Jino for a wonderful visit.

Praying in Church

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Bonfire Night Safety

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Today we learnt a song to highlight the dangers associated with bonfires, fireworks and sparklers.
Nursery and Reception have been thinking of ways to relax and enjoy the 'moment'. One of the children had an excellent idea as they talked to their friends at the dinner table- "Cucumber on your eyes helps you to sit back and relax." We played some relaxing music, lay back and placed the soothing cucumber on our eyes. What a fabulous idea and a lovely relaxing way to start an afternoon session!

23/10/19 Parents as Partners- Baking Cakes

Today we were extremely lucky to have one of our talented parents share her baking talents with the children. Children helped to make ‘Spooky’ cakes linked to our key texts this week. They helped to measure and mix the ingredients and learn about the different utensils used in the process. Children spooned the mixture into cake cases and then used coloured icing to create their own cake topper. What a fun morning we all had! A BIG THANK YOU to our talented parent for sharing her skills. 🧁

23/10/19 Harvest Celebration 

Children from Foundation and KS1 have been taking part in a sponsored Harvest 'Sing Song' to raise money for CAFOD- helping to Brighten Up the lives of children around the world living in poverty. We joined together to perform our Harvest Celebration for family members whilst also celebrating our whole school collection of food donations. All year groups have been collecting food for our local South Sefton food bank who will distribute it to those who require a helping hand within the local area. Children from all year groups accessorised their uniform with something bright in support of CAFOD and we all came together for a whole school photograph as our food donation was collected.


A BIG THANK you for all your support with our fundraising and food collection. 💕

Harvest Celebration

Autumn Mindfulness

Children mindfully walked in our wooded area which helped to calm the mind and body whilst also providing good exercise. We stood still and took three deep breaths and talked about the beauty of nature around us. Children took time to notice the detail in the natural objects they found- colour, texture, smell. 
As a next step, we used the natural objects we collected to create ‘Lanterns’ using plastic milk jugs. This would be a great reminder of our nature walk whilst also reinforcing recycling and caring for the environment. We went on to using  our lanterns as a part of a reflective session, talking about how they felt on our Autumn walk and how the objects collected made them feel. 

16/10/19 Parent Phonics Workshop


On Wednesday, family members learnt all about how we teach phonics and early reading skills. We talked about the different stages of reading development and activities to help learning at home. What a fun morning we all had! 

Read Write Inc Information

07/10/19 Parents as Partners- Football Fun

Today we were extremely lucky to have one of our parents work with the children to develop their football skills. The children listened carefully and were able to practise simple dribbling skills before scoring several goals! 

03/10/19 Under the Sea

Children have been using the iPads to learn about sea creatures! We have been using the internet to search for images of our favourite sea creatures then using the app 'Chatterpix' to add a 'mouth' and speech! Children had fun adding 'eyes' and 'moustaches' to their creatures and recording facts that they had learnt. We then used their work to create an interactive 'Under the Sea' simple fact sheet using the app ‘ThingLink’. 

24/09/19 Mindful Monday- Calm down bottles

Today we made our own ‘calm down’ bottles using warm water, clear glue and glitter. We talked about our emotions and compared swirling glitter to what happens in our heads when we are upset, mad, angry and anxious. The thoughts swirling about are all mixed up, moving around quickly in and out of our mind. Breathing slowly helps us to calm our thoughts, focusing our mind only on the glitter as it slows and settles, like our thoughts. 


20/09/19 Visit from the Ice-Cream Man 

Today Nursery and Reception had a visit from a local ice cream man. Children rushed to the door as they heard the jingle as Alex drove into the car park! We all had an ice-cream and sampled some delicious toppings too! Alex came into our own 'Ice Cream' role play area where we asked him questions which the children had prepared earlier in the week.  Alex told us about the different types of ice-creams and lolly ices that he sells and other items that you can purchase on his van. He talked about the most popular toppings and where he goes to sell ice-creams. Alex then took on the role as a customer and we sold him some of our ice-creams! What a lovely end to a fun week! 🍦

19/09/19 Seaside Adventure

Today we created a mini 'Seaside' adventure! We began by singing 'Oh I do like to be beside the Seaside!' Children took their socks and shoes off and explored sand trays and a paddling pool in the lovely sunshine. We used a selection of buckets and spades to build sandcastles and bury our feet! Children talked about how the sand felt between their fingers and toes. Then they went 'paddling' in the sea and used nets to catch sea creatures! What a beautiful morning we had!

16/09/19 Mindful Monday- Cloud Watching

Today we took time to relax and enjoy nature’s beauty by ‘cloud watching’. We took blankets and lay on our backs. We are learning how to relax and enjoy the ‘moment’, using our senses to enjoy the beautiful world around us. Children talked about what the clouds looked like- fluffy, white, like ‘cotton wool’. They also used their imagination saying some looked like a ‘dinosaur’, ‘dragon’ and ‘tree’! We also used our cuddly toys as ‘breathing buddies’ to practise breathing deeply. We finished our mindful session by sharing snack together. 

13/09/19 Roald Dahl Day Cake Sale

Thank you for such a successful cake sale- we raised £90.05 for ‘Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity’. This money funds Roald Dahl Specialist Children’s Nurses in communities across the UK which provide expert care and support to children with serious illnesses. 

THANK YOU for all your support. ♥️

13/09/19 Roald Dahl Day 

 We have been busy all week creating work based around the story 'The Enormous Crocodile'. Children used a variety of collage materials to make art work of the different characters as well as exploring colour mixing. Today children created a 3D model of the 'Enormous Crocodile' and used them whilst singing our rhyme of the week 'Row, Row, Row your Boat'. What a fun week of learning we have had ending with a fabulous dress up day with so many wonderful outfits!

9/09/19 Mindful Monday 

Today children practised ‘Balloon Breathing’ which helps to calm the mind and relax whilst helping to focus attention so you can enjoy the moment! Children sat with legs crossed and hands on their stomach. Children breathed in through their nose and noticed their stomach getting bigger like a balloon blowing up! They then slowly breathed out through their mouth noticing how their stomach got smaller like a balloon deflating. We used the video below to aid this breathing technique. 



Relaxed Breathing Training, Version B

This video, designed to help pace breathing at a rate that helps calm the mind and body.

Play Dough Meditation

After practising our 'Balloon Breathing', we played calming music and gave each child a ball of play dough. Children described how the dough felt- was it warm or cold? They described the colour and moved it from hand to hand. They then squeezed, rolled and made shapes with their dough, thinking carefully about how it felt in their hands. We finished the meditation by taking three balloon breaths. What a relaxing way to start the afternoon!

17/07/19 Visit from the Fire Service

Children had an exciting morning meeting our local Firefighters and learning all about the special uniform they wear and equipment they use. They were delighted to be able to try on helmets and also climb aboard to see inside the fire engine for themselves! The fun continued as the children eagerly queued up to have a chance to turn on a real fire hose! 


At Our Lady Queen of Peace, we pride ourselves on providing playful learning and this was a perfect opportunity to teach about fire safety in a fun and interactive way. A huge thank you to all the fire crew for visiting today and providing such a rich experience for our children and staff too! 

Fire Engine Model

Children enjoyed showing the Firefighters our own Fire Engine project which has taken over a week to build and paint. Children used boxes, glue and masking tape to construct then paint a wonderful model which has been used during role play activities. 

4/07/19 Den Building

Children and family members had a lovely morning building dens together in our wooded area. We used pegs and string to join blankets and sheets to tree branches whilst also creating dens using chairs and tables. Children shared books and enjoyed snack in their cosy hideouts! What a lovely morning exploring outdoor learning. 

6/03/19 Spanish Day 🇪🇸

Children had an ‘increíble’ time learning about ‘Spain’ thanks to our parent governor who taught us how to count to ten and say some basic greetings including ‘good morning’- buenos días, ‘hello’- hola and ‘goodbye’- adiós. We talked about Spanish culture and learnt some basic ‘Flamenco’ moves in the hall with another family member sharing her talents with the children! We listened to some Spanish music whilst eating ‘churros’ for snack. Children made Spanish flags and fans as well as working together to break a piñata! What an amazing day we all had! We would like to say a BIG ‘Gracias’ to our family members who help to support and enhance children’s learning by sharing their talents. 

10/02/19 Chinese New Year

Children have had a lovely week learning all about Chinese New Year. On Monday, we welcomed our special visitor Frendy, who talked to the children about how New Year is celebrated and he also cooked us some delicious noodles for snack! He had fun exploring our Chinese Restaurant and serving 'noodles' in our water tray. On Thursday our fabulous cook served the children a delicious Chinese banquet. 

28/02/19 Maths Workshop

Nursery and Reception children enjoyed sharing Maths games with family members. We talked about how we teach maths and ideas to help support learning at home.


30/11/18 Phonics Workshop


Nursery and Reception children enjoyed playing phonic games alongside family members. We talked about the different stages of reading development and activities to help learning at home. 

RWI Speed Sounds Set 1

This video is aimed to help you understand what each of the sounds in Set 1 sound like.

Phonics Song 2 (new ZED version)

This is a phonics song with a picture for each letter. It is designed to help children learn the letter names and sounds in the English alphabet. This song was written and performed by A.J. Jenkins. Video by KidsTV123.

9/10/18 Nursery and Reception meet our local PCSOs


Nursery and Reception enjoyed a visit from our local Police Community Support Officers, Chelsea and Liam. They came to investigate a ‘missing’ cake but luckily the culprit had left lots of clues for us to investigate. Chelsea and Liam helped the children to carefully collect the evidence. All the clues pointed to our Caretaker who was interviewed by the children.  The evidence and cream smeared on his t-shirt and face led to his guilty conviction! 



Chelsea and Liam talked to the children about how they work to help children and adults stay safe in our local community. Children enjoyed sharing their own thoughts about the role of Police Officers: “Police help you when you’re lost!” “They walk all around and keep us safe!”


Children learnt about the special clothes that Police wear and got to try on the different hats and items of clothing. 


Children also had the opportunity to explore the Police van and sit in the Prisoner cell! Some children even sat in the drivers seat! We all covered our ears as they put on the sirens and  blue lights. 


A few of the children were so inspired they shared their ambitions to enter the force themselves! “When I grow up I want to be a Police man too!”

25/09/18 Dough Disco Workshop 


Children and parents had lots of fun following instructions to make their own ‘no-cook’ play dough! We then went through a series of hand and finger exercises designed to improve fine muscle control. The movements develop children’s fine motor and gross motor dexterity, hand-eye coordination and self-esteem. We practised these exercises to the song ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams! 

Helping Your Child Learn at Home

Through Christ, we live, love and learn
