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We are an 'Outstanding' School -CSI Report, in April 2024
  • Our Lady Queen of Peace
  • Catholic Primary School
  • ‘Through Christ we Live, Love and Learn’

Year 3 / 4

Welcome to Year 3/4 2021-2022 

We are so excited to back in class and ready to learn! Our year will be filled with lots of exciting topics, activities and learning! 

Class Teacher: Miss Owusu 

Teaching Assistant: Miss Byrne 


Student Councillors 

Wellbeing Warriors

Autumn Term 1 & 2

Literacy- Our quality text for this term will begin with 'How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth' by Michelle Robinson and continuing with 'Stig Of The Dump' by Clive King. We will have lots of writing opportunities which include; writing our own instructional text, character descriptions and diary entries.  


History- In history we will be travelling back to 30,000 BCE to explore life in the stone age. Pupils will be taken on a virtual journey through prehistoric Britain to famous locations such as Skara Brae and Stone Henge. 


Art- In art we will be exploring Cave art which provides excellent cross curricular links with our history topic this term. We will be experimenting with colour mixing, extracting colour pigments from natural materials and imitating drawing on caves. We will practice sketching famous cave paintings and using different objects to paint with. 


Geography- Our geography topic is all about The United Kingdom! We will be developing our skills using Atlases and map reading to identify countries, capitals and seas surrounding The United Kingdom. We will be exploring physical and human features and understanding what makes the UK so amazing! 


Science- In science we will be exploring the Human Body and what it needs in order to grow. We will be sorting foods into groups, understanding the benefits of each food type and how it effects the body. We will then be exploring the different types of skeletons and how they are categorised. As well as identifying our own skeletons and muscles and ways in which they help us move. 


PE- Our PE games will be Hockey this term. We will be practising dribbling the ball and developing our ball control. We will be developing our understanding of invasion games and understanding the rules of hockey. As a class, we will also be participating in intra-game competitions and understanding the importance of sportsmanship. 


PHSE- We will be focusing on staying safe. We will be exploring and identifying those who keep us safe in our community and ways in which we can avoid dangers. 

Meet a real Archaeologist!


Today we had the pleasure of taking part in a real Stone Age workshop.

Dr John Hill came and showed us lots of amazing artefacts from The Stone Age! He taught us lots of wonderful facts and gave us lots of information about being an archaeologist. We held a real woolly mammoth's tooth and ribs and was able to see an actual necklace from the Bronze Age! We even used flint and steel to make fire!!  

Active Maths 

Today we decided to take maths outdoors and build up a sweat! We focused on practising our times tables as well as our place value. The first activity included using the parachute to remember our 2, 3, 5, and 10 times tables. Next we used bean bags, hula hoops and chalk to compete in place value number challenges! The children absolutely loved it and worked well as a team! 

P.E Dodgeball

Art-Stone Age Cave Art

Science- Identifying foods and their food groups

PE- Hockey

Art- Testing Natural Stone Age Paints

Literacy- Washing A Woolly Mammoth

Before writing instructions on how to wash a woolly mammoth we tried washing toy animals.

Geography- Using An Atlas

Read Hour 8/9/21

Year 3/4 spent our Read Hour sharing our favourite stories with our friends and reading on our own. We took advantage of the sun shinning and enjoyed some stories together outside.

Student Councillor Speeches

Children who wanted to be a student councillor wrote speeches about why they would make a good councillor and presented them to the class before a secret vote where each student voted for their favourite two.

Nature Friendly Schools 11/10/21 and 12/10/21


We enjoyed categorising insects and plants during a nature hunt and a host of fun team building games with the team from Nature Friendly Schools.

Year 3/4 2020-2021

We are really excited to be back in the classroom and doing what we love! This term we have lots of exciting and engaging activities planned which focus on the curriculum as well as wellness. You can find out more information below. 


Class Teacher: Miss Owusu

Teaching Assistants: Miss Byrne, Mrs Atkinson and Miss McHugh 






⭐Behaviour -Steps to Success⭐ 

We have introduced our new behaviour system in class where children aim to reach the 'Sky is the limit' zone to show outstanding behaviour or maintain their good behaviour in the 'Green for Growth' zone. Look out for a certificate on a Friday to commend your child if they manage to end the week in green or blue zone.


Secret Student 🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️

Secret student takes place daily. One child in the class is the secret student and it is their job to model excellent behaviour as well as report back any outstanding behaviour they have seen from their peers in class. 

Class Clubs

In Year 3/4 children have the opportunity to join lots of clubs.

Here is our present timetable.

Monday- Lunch time

                Year 3 Book Club

                Year 4 Maths Revision

Tuesday- Lunch time

                Year 4 Book Club

                Year 3 Maths Revision

                After School (3:10-4:10)

                Year 3/4 Dance

Wednesday- Lunch time

                 Year 3/4 Chess Club

Friday- Lunch time

                  Year 3/4 Grammar Revision

Introducing our Year 3/4 Wellbeing Warriors.


Wellbeing Warrior Pledges

Tuck Shop

After our first 'Talk It Out Tuesday' session about playtimes our Wellbeing Warriors met with warriors from the other classes and discussed ideas to make playtimes more enjoyable. One idea they reported back on was the introduction of a class 'Tuck Shop'. Everyone liked the idea and Year 3/4 enjoyed their first playtime tuck last week (7th May). 


Tuck shop will be every Friday, with a snack being offered each week at the cost of 30p.

Children can bring their money in any day of the week and give it to a member of staff for safe keeping.

(Monday - Thursday children can bring their own fruit snack in for morning break).

Summer Garden Party End Of Term Celebration.

Unfortunately, pouring rain stopped us celebrating the end of term outside in the sun the way we had hoped but we didn't let that dampen our spirit! We loved spending the whole day having fun with each other. We danced, played party games and enjoyed plenty of jam and cream scones.

Children's Art Week

We created some great art this week influenced by the Pop Art movement. We were inspired by our recent study of Liverpool during our Local Area history work.

Sports Day

We had a great afternoon of fun races at our KS2 Sports Day.

Elmer Day 2021


Elmer helps us remember how important it is to be ourselves so during the week Year 3/4 celebrated what made each of us unique by making our own Elmer full of words that describe different members of our class.

On Thursday we wore bright clothes and spent lots of time having fun with our friends who we love because of those unique qualities.

What a boring place the world would be if we were all the same!

Mental Health Awareness Week (10th - 16th May 2021)

During Mental Health Awareness Week children were encouraged to spend as much time as they could outside, connecting with Nature. In Year 3/4 we used natural resources to help create some amazing self portraits and wrote affirmations to remind ourselves that we are special. We also spent time on the yard sketching the things we could see.

On Friday children were invited to dress to express themselves and strike a pose in colourful clothes.

Our self portraits.

Stress Awareness Month

This April to combat stress we got outside and enjoyed the sun as much as we could. Activities included meditation exercises, planting flowers to make the space outside our classroom bright and beautiful, making stress balls and sensory bottles and some mindful colouring.

Healthy Habits

Year 3/4 have been enjoying a 5 week Healthy Habits programme with Active Sefton. During which they learnt the importance of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. They looked at healthy eating habits and the importance of daily exercise.

World Earth Day

On World Earth Day we made the most of the bright sunshine and took our learning outside. We planted beans and worked in pairs to create posters warning people of the danger our earth is in and advising on ways we can help to keep it safe.

Science Week

We Are Scientists: Science Investigation


Which member of staff stole the pies?

White powder was found at the scene and 6 members of staff were found with white powder.

We had to  help the police to catch the culprit by testing the reaction of each powder when added to a glass of coke.

But we didn’t want to blame the wrong person so our investigation had to be fair. We used the same amount of powder, the same amount of coke and timed our stirring of the mixture and the reactions.


Summer Term 2 2021

Literacy- We will be exploring a Roald Dahl classic novel 'Georges Marvellous Medicine' as part of our quality text this term. We aim to explore characters and get lots of wonderful writing pieces from the students.

Science- our science focus is working scientifically. We will be conducting lots of investigations and transforming ourselves into scientific detectives.

Geography- we are continuing with extreme earth looking specifically at earthquakes and exploring the causes and effects of earthquakes on earth. 

History- we will be spending the term revising all topics covered throughout the year using sticky knowledge, class quizzes and timelines.

Art- We will start our wonderful Architecture topic exploring local architecture and famous artist 'Antoni Gaudi'.



Summer Term 1  2021


History this term we will be exploring Tudor Monarchs 1547-1603. A continuation from King Henry VIII  

Geography This term is extreme earth, focusing on volcanoes and earthquakes. 

Science this term is all about animals including humans. We will be investigating how food is produced and what we need to grow.

P.E. is focus is health and fitness: lots of outdoor obstacle activities. 

Art: Exploring renaissance art  Children will have a chance to research artists, explore artistic ideas and create their own master pieces.


Spring Term 1 2021

During Spring Term 1, Year 3 and 4 will be studying ‘The Romans’ which we will make links to other areas of the curriculum.

We will be investigating States of Matter in Science and Europe in our Geography topic.

Our PE lessons are now on Wednesday and Thursday, and children are asked to come to school in their full PE kits.

Henry VIII Portraits

Worry Box Competition. 

We ran a competition to design our class Worry Box, a confidential way to share our worries and concerns. Entries were so good we couldn't choose just one winner, we had to have two!

Worry Box Competition Entries.

Walking a mile together.

Working outside.

As the weather becomes brighter, warmer and dryer we will try to take our learning outside as much as possible, as we did with this science experiment.

Autumn Term 2 2020

During Autumn Term 2, again we will discuss staying safe and healthy and continue to wash and sanitise our hands.

 Year 3 and 4 will be studying the book 'The Iron Man' which will give the children the opportunity to use different types of writing.

We will be studying ‘James I’ in our History and there will be lots of opportunities to discover this time period including quizzes such as ‘who wants to be a millionaire – James I edition’ to check children’s understanding and learning. 

In Science the children will investigate forces in their environments.

Our PE lessons are still on Monday and Thursday and children are asked to come to school dressed in their PE kits.

Autumn Term 1 2020
During Autumn Term 1, there will be a big focus on staying safe and healthy including children washing and sanitising their hands in line with

Government regulations.

Year 3 and 4 will be studying the book 'Paddington' which will involve lots of descriptive writing. We will be studying ‘The Iron Age’ and using our research skills to discover more. 

The children will investigate electricity in Science and how we are able to use it.

Our PE lessons are on Monday and Thursday and children are asked to come to school dressed in their PE kits.

Year 3/4 2019-2020

Welcome to Year 3 / 4 

Keep checking here for exciting class news, pictures of things we've done and more.
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Teacher know!
Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.

In Geography this term, Year 3/4 are studying 'Climate Change'. Due to this we have been looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy during our art lessons. Andy Goldsworthy makes art in nature with natural things he finds around him. Today the children were given the chance to make their own nature art and really enjoyed their outdoor learning. These pictures show their works in progress.


Key Stage 2 celebrated the launch of the new times table programme in style! TT Rock Stars will improve our times tables skills as we race to beat our best score.  Everyone looked amazing and we rocked together this morning!

Thank you to all parents for your support in providing rock star outfits for your children - it made our TT Rock Stars launch date special.

Children can log on to their profiles and play at home too. They have been given their username and password information and need to log in under our school's name 'Our lady Queen of Peace Catholic Primary, Liverpool' you can also find us using our postcode in the school search: L21 OEP.



Key Stage 2 children had a fantastic time at the circus.  It was a wonderful trip which has inspired the children to produce lots of excellent writing.


Through Christ, we live, love and learn
