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We are an 'Outstanding' School - CSI Report, in April 2024.
  • Our Lady Queen of Peace
  • Catholic Primary School
  • ‘Through Christ we Live, Love and Learn’

Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5 class . It has never been more important to stay at home and protect ourselves, however we do still need to try our best to maintain normality. This means it is vital that our children are keeping up to date with their school work and completing their lessons. We have now moved our remote learning to Google Classrooms which allows us to assign classwork and track the children's progress, as we would in school. Here are the weekly timetables which provides a breakdown of your child's lessons and lots of links to access the resources. 

Weekly Timetables for Remote Learning


Please find below our Weekly Timetables for Remote Learning with attached links. 

Weekly timetable 11/1/21 - 15/1/21

Weekly timetable 18/1/21 - 22/1/21

Weekly Time Table 25/1/21 - 29/1/21

Weekly Timetable 1/2/21 - 5/2/21

Weekly Timetable 8/2/21 - 12/2/21

Weekly Timetable 22/2/21 - 26/2/21

Weekly timetable - 1/3/21 - 4/3/21

Star of the Week



Each week we are going to have a 'Star of the Week'. I know lots of you are online learning and some children are in school. I am so proud of the way you are working so hard every week.
This week I have chosen a young man  who has been working so hard and has persevered  to complete his work.  He has produced so much good work and has written pieces of dialogue which could have been included in the text we are reading.  Keep this up!



This week's Star Worker

Key Links

Through Christ, we live, love and learn
