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We are an 'Outstanding' School - CSI Report, in April 2024.
  • Our Lady Queen of Peace
  • Catholic Primary School
  • ‘Through Christ we Live, Love and Learn’

Essential Use of Face Coverings

Dear Parents / carers,

Because some of our neighbouring schools have had to temporarily close class bubbles due to positive cases of Covid-19, we want to do everything we possibly can to keep our children, staff and parents safe.

The levels of Covid-19 cases in Liverpool and Sefton are high and increasing every day, so local authorities are now making it essential that parents and carers wear face coverings when collecting and dropping off children at school.

We must now insist that our parents/carers wear a face covering before they enter the school grounds, and only one parent or carer should do the drop off / collection of children.

We thank you in advance for ensuring greater levels of safety in our school and community.



Through Christ, we live, love and learn
