Dear Parents / carers,
With the wider opening of school still some time off, we would like to introduce you to some new home learning activities from TTS. These lesson packs can be viewed and downloaded from the following highlighted links:
Nursery / Reception - Early Years Activity Collection
Year 1 / Year 2 - Key Stage 1 Activity Collection
Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 - Key Stage 2 Activity Collection
The collections can be downloaded for printing at home, and are mobile friendly. We are really impressed with them and think they will keep our children busy for some time. If you are unable to access the packs online, please contact school via email to request a paper copy and we can arrange to have them ready for collection at an agreed time.
These new resources are in addition to the fantastic daily lessons at BBC BITESIZE and our preferred Maths learning at White Rose Maths which both cover all age groups.
Happy learning!