Reception & Nursery - 2:40 pm
Year 1 - 2:45 pm
Year 2 - 2:55 pm
Year 3/4 - 3:10 pm
Year 5 - 2:50 pm
Year 6 - 3:00 pm
We are still in a lock-down situation due to the pandemic. Households still should not be mixing. The classes and staff remain in their own bubbles right through the day, managing not only to minimise the risk of spreading Covid-19, but also to avoid the need to isolate if a bubble is affected by a positive case. It is really frustrating to see children from different bubbles running up and down the field together after school!
The staggered pick up times are an extra measure to avoid large groups of parents arriving and gathering at once. We ask that all parents leave the premises as soon as you have collected your child, not allowing them to mix with other children.
Those with children in Foundation can collect any older siblings AFTER they have collected their little ones. Families should use the earliest collection time for their children, e.g. if you have children in Reception (2:40 pm and Year 4 (3:10 pm), you should collect your Reception child first, then wait outside Year 4 for the older sibling - the staff will then send your child out.
If you have children in Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6, you should collect all three children at 2:50 pm. Confusion happens when parents arrive too early, or see other classes leaving at different times. If you stick to your own child's time, things should run smoothly.
This system worked really well during the Autumn Term, so hopefully it won't be long before we are all back into a routine.
Thank you.